Crowdfunding since 2010
Ende April geht John Allen zusammen mit einigen Musikern in die Elevate Studios Hamburg um den Nachfolger seines Debutalbums "Sounds of Soul and Sin" aufzunehmen.
Funding period
2/28/14 - 4/30/14
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
3,500 €
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What is this project all about?

After having had the honour to tour with Frank Turner and Lucero last September, I asked myself the question of how to pick up from there. The main aspects of my I wanted to focus on were extensive touring and a new record. The first out of three tours of 2014 is starting in a couple of weeks and also the album production is hitting the critical stage. I feel I have developed enormously and also I have written a huge number of new songs over the last couple of months and I think this is a very good time to capture the moment and head record a new album.

I have found a very good producer and a couple of excellent musicians. Together we have booked the Elevate Studios in Hamburg for late April to try and realize my ideas. For that purpose, I need your support.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

At the end I want a fully grown and interesting album that satisfies my expectations as well as yours. Unfortunately producing an album is always an immense financial investment which I definitely cannot stem on my own. Also, I really do not want to cut back on the essentials and produce a compromise. I want to record an album of which I can be proud and which I can share with you with happiness.
If you like music and if you want to become part of my dream and my ambition, this is definitely the right campaign to support.

Why would you support this project?

Why should you support this project? Good question. There certainly are numerous reasons, ranging from "I like his music", via "the artist is actually quite hot" all the way to "I'm a friend or relative and I feel morally obliged to help", but the truth is that I think you should support this because music is a matter of community. The most intimate moment in every show is when the crowd starts to sing along with the artist. It's the moment when the barriers between stage and auditorium begin to blur. This is the moment, when music is at its most personal level. I would love the idea of inviting everyone to the studio to sing along, but I doubt this will be possible.
However, supporting this campaign is yet another way to become part of the music, part of the dream.
Supporting this project not only means supporting a musicians' courage to live his dreams to the fullest.
Supporting this project not only means supporting a friend, a relative or someone who is "actually quite hot".
Supporting this project most of all means to become an active part of the production.
Supporting this project means that after all is said and done and I will hold up the record in pride, you can be equally proud and say that without your help, this record would not have been possible.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Should the founding be successful, the money will be used to finance most of the studio and production costs. In the fortunate case that we "overfinance" we are also looking to produce a music video or simply throw a big party for all supporters with free drinks and music. Haha.
Also, we will use the money to produce vinyl. I have been asked many times why we did not publish my first record on vinyl. The answer was always the same: Lacking funds. This time, we definitely want to go for vinyl. I'm a collector myself and not many things would make me prouder.

Who are the people behind the project?

Behind the project is me, first of all. I write the songs and I sing them. Also, I had the fortune to meet Kay Petersen who will produce the album and coordinate the recording sessions. Behind the scenes I am very happy to have the full support of Flix Agency from Berlin, who help me whenever I am in need of help. Also, there will be a number of notable musicians whose names I cannot talk about just now. :-)
Most of all, however, you can be the people behind the project. As I said before, without your help, there is no album.

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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4/28/14 - Liebe Supporter, zunächst vielen Dank für...

Liebe Supporter,

zunächst vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung. Ohne euch würde ich nicht im Studio sitzen und an den Aufnahmen arbeiten. Ein Traum! Achja, genau, ich sitze im Studio! Wer mehr erfahren will, ich poste jeden Tag (gut, eher spät am Abend) ein Recording Diary auf meiner Website ( und auf meiner Facebook-Seite (

Ihr sollt ja schließlich wissen was ich so treibe!

Liebe Grüße,


3/1/14 - check out my crowdfunding video (parts of it in...

check out my crowdfunding video (parts of it in German though!) for all your support!John

John Allen - Neues Studioalbum
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