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"Believing in progress does not mean believing that any progress has yet been made. That wouldn't be believing." - Franz Kafka

The documentary film "Die Kafka-Konferenz" ("The Kafka Conference") deals with the reform socialism in Czechoslovakia known as "Prague Spring". The writers and artists who are regarded as forerunners are the focus. Even the already dead author Franz Kafka seems to have had an influence on the reform process. A conference dedicated to his work in 1963 already implies the liberalization which reaches its peak in 1968. Then, Soviet tanks put an end to it.
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12/9/19 - 1/17/20
January - April 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 2,000 €

The filming is finished but we still need financial means for the post-production: Editing, voiceover recording, sound mixing, licensing of archival footage.

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Letná Demonstration

Tobias Sauer
Tobias Sauer2 min Lesezeit

On 16th November, 2019, 30 years after the Velvet Revolution, more than 250 000 people protest in Letná park in Prague.

They demand the resignation of Andrej Babiš, who is prime minister since 2017. As head of the company Agrofert, which also owns high-circulation newspapers, Babiš became the second-richest Czech citizen. Now, he is accused of a conflict of interest because of the EU subsidies paid to Agrofert.

Demonstrations such as in Letná park are organized by the group "Milion chvilek pro demokracii" ( "A Million Moments for Democracy"). It is active since 2017 and was founded by the students Mikuláš Minář and Benjamin Roll.


Am 16. November 2019, 30 Jahre nach der Samtenen Revolution, protestieren mehr als 250 000 Menschen im Letná–Park in Prag.

Der Rücktritt von Andrej Babiš, der seit 2017 Ministerpräsident ist, wird gefordert. Als Leiter des Konzerns Agrofert, dem inzwischen auch auflagenstarke Tageszeitungen gehören, wurde Babiš zum zweitreichsten Bürger Tschechiens. Nun wird ihm ein Interessenskonflikt aufgrund der an Agrofert gezahlten EU–Subventionen vorgeworfen.

Hinter Massenprotesten wie im Letná–Park, die im ganzen Land stattfinden, steht die Gruppe „Milion chvilek pro demokracii“ („Eine Million Augenblicke für Demokratie“). Sie ist seit 2017 aktiv und wurde von den Studenten Mikuláš Minář und Benjamin Roll ins Leben gerufen.

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The Kafka Conference (Documentary film)
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