Crowdfunding since 2010

Xylophone + Guitar = School! Your support will enable us to build collaborative music projects which will fund education in Ghana.

We want to finish an amazing album, a collaboration between Ghanian xylophonist Isaac Birituro and British Folktronica artiste The Rail Abandon - the musical incarnation of Grammy, MOBO and Mercury nominated World Music Producer, Sonny Johns. By bringing these artistes together, we believe we can produce an album of outstanding quality, of musical exploration and artistic joy. The proceeds of the album will raise money to fund the building of a school in Kalba, North Ghana.
Funding period
1/22/18 - 4/16/18
Summer 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

This will allow us to fulfil the rewards we offer and finish producing the album so we can use the proceeds to build a school in Ghana.

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This is Kalba

Sonny Johns
Sonny Johns3 min Lesezeit

Driving the red dirt track from Tuna, there is nothing to signify that you’re close; no sign, no geographic feature. The landscape is quite flat and for as far as the eye can see between savannah trees and the odd mud-built, tin-roofed farmhouse. There’s no natural fortification, no visible quarry or mine and the nearest river, a kilometre back the way you came, is obviously not the centre of attraction for Kalba’s inhabitants.

In fact you’d be forgiven for believing it was one of it’s satellite villages along the route here, had it not been for the fact that the main road peters out to rough stony ground as the mud huts merge into concrete and sit closer and closer together. The road south to Saru is hidden among trees and the road north to Wa, the capital of Upper West Region, is, to the untrained eye, almost indistinguishable from the trodden tracks joining houses.

But as you start to orientate yourself, down passages, hopping from tree to shadow hiding from the mid-day sun, you begin to realise that unlike European settlements, built on geographic features or military strong holds, there is more to Kalba than meets the eye.

It is a centre. A centre for so many things. And at it’s centre, physically and metaphysically, and literally at the end of the road, lies the market. Held once every 5 days this hotchpotch of crooked tree-trunk-post stalls and bare patches covered with large brightly coloured cloths, is a visual noise as much as an aural one. People sell their wares, from old shoes, to herbal medicines, sitting cheek by jowl with butchers, cloth sellers and pito stands – the local beer – wherever they can find space. As you negotiate the narrow tracks between stalls, sellers gently and kindly encourage you to browse their goods, while others laugh and joke in the typical exuberant Ghanaian manner.

Then as the tracks open, and the laughter and noise, gets faint and the houses more distant from one another, you find yourself on the outskirts. Less busy but no less important, Kalba is encircled by what makes it what it is. To the East the Church, a large building in a serene part of town, a centre itself, for marriage and death but for also socialisation, community, celebration… and football. Southeast to the main crossroads, the schools with four schoolhouses for children from 4-16 and two large bare patches of earth which doubles as the local football team’s training ground. To the south the clinic and from there back round to the church, the farms, which provide for its people, cut by the roads which fan from its centre the satellite towns beyond.

What makes Kalba so important is not what you see on the surface. It’s the people and their lives. The Market they buy and sell at, while making a stop to the clinic on market day to save time. It’s a place of work, of play, of pain, of joy, of hope and of sorrow, of life and of death. It is everything you have ever known. And nothing you have ever experienced. That is Kalba.

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Rüt'n'Rock e.V.
Tim Becker
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49733 Haren Deutschland

Steuernummer / Tax ID: 61/220/02325

8/24/18 - While we are moving on finishing the artwork...

While we are moving on finishing the artwork of the album, you may read a brief blog and watch a short video of Isaac's first listen to the music.

Während wir dabei sind das Artwork des Albums fertigzustellen, könnt ihr einen kurzen Blog lesen bzw. ein kleines Video sehen, wie Isaac zum ersten Mal die Musik hört.

8/14/18 - The music is mastered! Now, we are in process...

The music is mastered! Now, we are in process of creating the artwork of the album in order to produce it afterwards. For more information, please check:

Die Musik ist fertig! Nun sind wir dabei das Artwork des Albums zu erstellen, um es danach zu produzieren. Unter diesem Link gibt es weitere Informationen:

Thank you for supporting us!
Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung!

5/17/18 - Hallo! In den vergangenen Tagen haben wir die...

In den vergangenen Tagen haben wir die letzte Stufe unseres Startnext Projektes erreicht.
Ihr habt wahrscheinlich bemerkt, dass eure Unterstützung an uns überwiesen bzw. abgebucht wurde.
Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle noch einmal herzlich für die Unterstützung bedanken und gleichzeitig die nächsten Schritte unseres Projektes und besonders zu euren "Dankeschöns" teilen.
Diese könnt ihr unter und bei Facebook verfolgen.

5/17/18 - Hello! Over the last few days we have...

Over the last few days we have completed the final stages of Startnext. You have probably realised that the funds have been transferred from you to us.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again and to share with you our plans, especially with regards to your THANK YOUS .
You can check this at or at our new facebook page

4/7/18 - Die Aufnahmen gehen weiter! Sonny und Isaac...

Die Aufnahmen gehen weiter! Sonny und Isaac sind derzeit in Accra und nehmen dort, sowie in Kalba, weitere Musiker auf. Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, folgt uns gerne unter

3/11/18 - WIR VERLÄNGERN! Wir sind dankbar und...

Wir sind dankbar und glücklich, dass wir den Zielbetrag erreicht haben.
Wir haben uns dazu entschlossen, das Crowdfunding bis zum 16. April zu verlängern. Wir werden Anfang April nach Ghana reisen, um die verbleibenden Aufnahmen zu machen und möchten auch in dieser Zeit über unser Projekt berichten. Dadurch besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit "Dankeschöns" zu kaufen und This Is Kalba zu unterstützen. Denn ab jetzt geht jeder zusätzlich eingenommene Euro direkt in die Schule!

2/25/18 - BARKA / VIELEN DANK! Wir haben es geschafft...

Wir haben es geschafft unser Fundingziel von 5.000 Euro zu erreichen!
Wir sind sehr glücklich und dankbar für die großartige Unterstützung, die wir erhalten haben und noch immer bekommen.
Damit steht fest: Wir werden unser Projekt umsetzen können, ein Album zu produzieren mit dessen Erlös eine Schule in Ghana gebaut werden soll!
Und es heißt auch, dass ab jetzt jeder Euro direkt in die Schule fließt! Bald gibt es hier mehr Infos, wie es mit THIS IS KALBA weitergeht.

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