This will allow us to fulfil the rewards we offer and finish producing the album so we can use the proceeds to build a school in Ghana.
We don't just want to build this school ourselves, we want to enable the people of Kalba to build their own school, their own futures. Based on a partnership with the local committee in Kalba, we want to make an impact on the local education.
Therefore, we are running this project in conjunction with the German Rüt’n’Rock association, which has hosted music festivals and events for over 13 years, using its proceeds to finance projects in their partnership community of Kalba.
So far, Rüt'n'Rock has raised over €140,000 to build multiple schools and fund education, health and infrastructure programs, which developed from over 35 years experience of Aktionskreis Pater Hagen, an organisation which has help the local partnership committee of Kalba build more than 20 schools, and fund health care and clean water programmes.
The idea of the project started as Sonny sat in a bar in Nicaragua with Tim and Svenja of Rüt'n'Rock in October 2016, after meeting for the first time 4 weeks earlier in Guatemala. Less than a year later they found themselves in Kalba, along with Isaac, in a church that was turned into a recording studio.
This crowdfunding campaign is the final push to something that started as an idea over a beer, materialised during our trip to Ghana in 2017, in order to transform into an album, which can build a school in Ghana.
We want to raise at least € 5,000 to finish our first musical collaboration album, which would then be sold to start raising the €15,000 needed to building a school in Kalba.
The project aims to benefit three groups of people:
The music we will produce will be different from what you've heard before. The Grammy nominated sound of Sonny Johns, the amazing xylophone playing of Isaac Birituro and various musical contributions from in Ghanaian and UK artistes will provide you with a new sound and a new musical experience.
Different from other albums, the proceeds of this one will support an education project in Ghana. Thanks to the fact that all the musicians are contributing their time for free, by purchasing this product you will directly support the education of the children in Ghana, improving their futures immeasurably.
Furthermore, you will help to plant the seed for future collaborations, which will support cultural exchange and nurture local musicians.
So... in other words: Why wouldn't you support this project?
The money raised by this campaign will allow us to finish the recording, duplication and distribution of our first collaborative album, as well as fulfil your rewards.
So far this project has been self-funded, including all musicians both in Ghana and the UK, and the first trip to Ghana in October 2017. We'd like to say 'Thank you!' to everybody who has contributed so far.
The Rüt'n'Rock association - Hosting music festivals and events for 13 years, the NGO has gathered over €140,000 in order to finance projects in the areas of education, youth development, health and infrastructure.
The Local Committee - Beside the German association the partnership committee in Kalba is an equal part of the planning and execution of these programmes. Therefore, the school will be built in close collaboration with the local committee.
Tim Becker - President of the Rüt'n'Rock association in Haren, North West Germany, Tim has been a part of the team building schools, bore wholes and infrastructure projects in Kalba for over 13 years.
Svenja Albers - Member of Rüt'n'Rock Festival Team and photographer during the Album-trip to Kalba and at previous visits.
Sonny Johns - Grammy, MOBO and Mercury nominated producer/engineer and musician, Sonny has worked with many successful West African Musicians such as Ali Farke Toure, Oumou Sangaré, Cheikh Lô and Fatoumata Diawara.
Isaac Birituro - as well as an accomplished xylophonist, having been taught by his father from an early age, Isaac also makes exceptional xylophones from his home in Accra the capital, from materials produced in and around Kalba.
This Is Kalba
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While we are moving on finishing the artwork of the album, you may read a brief blog and watch a short video of Isaac's first listen to the music.
Während wir dabei sind das Artwork des Albums fertigzustellen, könnt ihr einen kurzen Blog lesen bzw. ein kleines Video sehen, wie Isaac zum ersten Mal die Musik hört.
The music is mastered! Now, we are in process of creating the artwork of the album in order to produce it afterwards. For more information, please check:
Die Musik ist fertig! Nun sind wir dabei das Artwork des Albums zu erstellen, um es danach zu produzieren. Unter diesem Link gibt es weitere Informationen:
Thank you for supporting us!
Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung!
In den vergangenen Tagen haben wir die letzte Stufe unseres Startnext Projektes erreicht.
Ihr habt wahrscheinlich bemerkt, dass eure Unterstützung an uns überwiesen bzw. abgebucht wurde.
Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle noch einmal herzlich für die Unterstützung bedanken und gleichzeitig die nächsten Schritte unseres Projektes und besonders zu euren "Dankeschöns" teilen.
Diese könnt ihr unter und bei Facebook verfolgen.
Over the last few days we have completed the final stages of Startnext. You have probably realised that the funds have been transferred from you to us.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you again and to share with you our plans, especially with regards to your THANK YOUS .
You can check this at or at our new facebook page
Die Aufnahmen gehen weiter! Sonny und Isaac sind derzeit in Accra und nehmen dort, sowie in Kalba, weitere Musiker auf. Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, folgt uns gerne unter
Wir sind dankbar und glücklich, dass wir den Zielbetrag erreicht haben.
Wir haben uns dazu entschlossen, das Crowdfunding bis zum 16. April zu verlängern. Wir werden Anfang April nach Ghana reisen, um die verbleibenden Aufnahmen zu machen und möchten auch in dieser Zeit über unser Projekt berichten. Dadurch besteht weiterhin die Möglichkeit "Dankeschöns" zu kaufen und This Is Kalba zu unterstützen. Denn ab jetzt geht jeder zusätzlich eingenommene Euro direkt in die Schule!
Wir haben es geschafft unser Fundingziel von 5.000 Euro zu erreichen!
Wir sind sehr glücklich und dankbar für die großartige Unterstützung, die wir erhalten haben und noch immer bekommen.
Damit steht fest: Wir werden unser Projekt umsetzen können, ein Album zu produzieren mit dessen Erlös eine Schule in Ghana gebaut werden soll!
Und es heißt auch, dass ab jetzt jeder Euro direkt in die Schule fließt! Bald gibt es hier mehr Infos, wie es mit THIS IS KALBA weitergeht.