Crowdfunding since 2010

A fusion of music, dance & videography that takes you on a transformative journey into the core of your being: your heart.

Our debut EP "Heartcore" is all about transformation, which takes its beginning in the reconnection with the heart. So that it can fully unfold its effect, we also create a video for each of the pieces. In these music videos dance, music & animation unite to a multidimensional artistic unity, which wants to touch you in your wholeness and inspire you to conscious and deep introspection. We are happy from the bottom of our hearts if you would like to support us!
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Funding period
10/22/23 - 12/31/23
Dezember 2023 - März 2024
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 3,000 €

Mit dem Mindesbetrag von 3000€ können wir alle Proben-, & Drehtage realisieren und auch einen Teil der Pre-Produktionskosten decken.

Frankfurt am Main
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1,390 €

What is this project all about?

Our project is about the realization and production of the 3 part music video series for our debut EP "Heartcore."

Video 1: Heartcore
The first video for the eponymous title track of the EP will be animated. A human experiences all kinds of exciting adventures on a journey through his own heart space, which leads it through the full spectrum of its feelings to the limits of its being. Here it experiences from the highest joy and connection to the deepest loneliness everything that makes up the human existence on the emotional level and finally returns from its journey in regained joy of life.

Video 2: From Darkness To Light
When one dives so deeply into one's own being and opens up to the feelings and everything else that is waiting there, it can be that some things come into motion that have been hidden in the dark for a long time. While one part of us wants to bring light into the darkness, there is the other part that tries to prevent this. Hardly anything could embody this inner "dance of our parts" better than the dance on the outside, which is why we will shoot a dance video for "From Darkness To Light", in which this process of becoming aware is artistically represented.

Video 3: Ascen Dance
As the title already suggests, "Ascen Dance" will also be a dance video, which stands at the end of the trilogy and completes the transformation process. After we have immersed ourselves in our inner world, lived through feelings, brought light into the dark and reintegrated our previously repressed parts, we can now completely and freely surrender to the great "dance of life" and connect with all that makes us on the different levels of our being.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal of our EP is to create a total work of art that not only provides pleasure and enjoyment when consuming, but also encourages people to dedicate themselves to their own introspection. Heartcore" wants to inspire people who are not only looking for entertainment but also for impulses that can enrich their own existence.

Why would you support this project?

The creation of high-quality productions on a professional level costs not only time but also money. Currently, we do not have any publications with which we could place ourselves visibly and also no label, no sponsors or financiers who support us. Certain funding programs from art & culture were out of the question for this project for various reasons, which is why we are hoping for support from the "Aventis Foundation" in the form of co-funding. Regardless of this, however, any form of support is helpful: whether small or large!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The funds generated by the crowdfunding campaign, will be used exclusively to cover the part of the production costs that so far cannot be covered by us from our own funds. This includes first and foremost:

- reasonable fees for all participants for rehearsal, and shooting days (see: "Who is behind your project?")
- costs for pre- and post-production
- rental costs for premises, technical equipment, costs for costumes, props and other accessories
- Catering, accommodation and travel costs
- Costs for advertising and promotional purposes

The preliminary calculation provides for a share of 2500€ of own funds, which we raise ourselves or have already invested partly in studio recordings and photos. With further at least 3000€ via the crowdfunding campaign, we can make the minimum of costs for further rehearsal and shooting days for the videos. Depending on the amount, also a large part of the rental and catering costs. If we manage to raise a sum of
5000€ through crowdfunding, we can not only cover the above-mentioned costs sufficiently and with certainty, but also have some funds available for advertising and promotional purposes as well as pre- and post-production.

Who are the people behind the project?

To realize the project it needs not only us as a band, but also many other wonderful and creative people, whom we would like to list here personally:

Alisa Pou Montz, Bass
Frederich Helbing, Gitarre
Matthias Wolf, Perkussion & Synthesizer
Robert Fischer, Schlagzeug & Komposition

Christian Sebastian Nickel

Tanz & Choreographie:
Aleksandra Maria Ścibor Infinity (Ascen Dance)
Deborah Manavi (From Darkness To Light)
Verena Piwonka (From Darkness To Light)

Kamera & Videoproduktion
Irina Hoffmann (Heartcore)
Robert Scheffner (Heartcore)
Jakub Wittchen (Ascen Dance)
Victoria Koberstein (From Darkness To Light)

Julie Key

We would already like to thank all participants from the bottom of our hearts and will list others that are still to come here!

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Klangtreu Debut EP: Heartcore - A Music Video Trilogy
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