Crowdfunding since 2010

Faire, zirkuläre & regenerative Mode für eine nachhaltigere Zukunft.

LOTTA LUDWIGSON is a slow fashion brand designing circular, fair & timeless cradle-to-cradle clothing, producing locally & taking it back after its use to promote a socially & environmentally sustainable transformation of the fashion industry. With our circular suits, we enable you to wear your values & combine aesthetics with sustainability in the process. In addition, each product supports an initiative for greater justice and equality for women.
Privacy notice
Funding period
8/31/22 - 11/9/22
3-6 months after campaign end
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 25,000 €

Damit können wir die erste Produktion unserer zirkulären Anzüge überhaupt erst möglich machen!

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Primary sustainable development goal
Sustainable consumption

What is this project all about?

LOTTA LUDWIGSON wants to contribute to changing and improving the status quo in the fashion industry. With our suits, we chose a particularly complicated garment as a start to show: there is another way.

After all, the conventional fashion industry is a dirty industry. It exploits people, animals and nature. It pollutes the environment with chemicals, microplastic particles and endless mountains of textile waste and is thus a major driver of the climate crisis.

How is this possible?

Part of the reason is that companies, especially fast and ultra-fast fashion giants, take little or no responsibility. Their profitability is based on a linear economic system. This means that resources are extracted at a low cost and turned into products that sooner or later become textile waste because they are not circularly designed (i.e., they are not recyclable or compostable).

This way of doing business brings us to our planetary and social boundaries.

With LOTTA LUDWIGSON, we want to show that there is another way.
That aesthetics and holistic sustainability as well as entrepreneurship and responsibility can go hand in hand.

This is why we want to make a socially and ecologically sustainable contribution to a circular transformation of the fashion industry with LOTTA LUDWIGSON, in which all products and materials circulate endlessly in cycles and the concept of "waste" is eliminated. How can we do this? By fully integrating circularity and sustainability from the very beginning as the heart of our business on three levels: Design, Material, and Business Model.

We want to create timeless and long lasting fashion that does not follow trends. We want to find the optimal design between a classic and a modern look that allows you to wear the suit in any situation in life, whether it's for a power statement at work, a casual street style or to a classy event. Our suit is made to be versatile.

In addition, we design our suit according to the cradle-to-cradle design concept. This means that we design in a closed resource loop, following nature's example. Eventually, when the suit can no longer be reused or repaired, it is supposed to be returned to be biodegraded. In this way, instead of becoming textile waste, it returns to the biological cycle as a nutrient for soil and becomes nature again.

Since we design our suits à la Cradle-to-Cradle, a choice of materials that is in harmony with nature, humans and animals is essential. That is why we rely on natural materials from Germany and Austria. The outer fabric of our suit is made of 100% mulesing-free virgin wool and our shoulder pads, in order for them to be plastic-free, were developed on our own with a traditional German company for over 1 year.

Business Model

In order to extend the lifetime and thus the product life cycle of our suits, we will implement a "Return & Resale Program", which will allow the return, refurbishment and resale of our own LOTTA LUDWIGSON products. That way, the same product can be given a new life over and over again with other customers. The suit can therefore accompany different people across times and places.

With every product sold, we want to support initiatives that work towards more equal opportunities and rights for women. It is important to us to empower women, whether through our products and the feeling they give when worn, or by supporting selected NGOs. Because one thing is for sure: Empowered women empower women!

With our suits we want to create alternatives to conventional fashion and contribute to the sustainable transformation of the fashion industry, because we are convinced that there can be no change without alternatives.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Creating aesthetic AND sustainable alternatives that reflect your values.

With our fair, circular and regenerative suits we want to offer you a sustainable AND aesthetic alternative to conventional clothing that allows you to wear your values and show how responsible and sustainable entrepreneurship matter in this.

Because especially in today's ( professional ) world, it is more and more about having a strong position. We can show this in many ways, but wearing clothes that reflect our own inner values is essential.

Unfortunately, we haven't yet found any clothing on the market that meet our demands of sustainability while still meeting the aesthetic needs of a modern woman whose boundaries between work and private life are becoming increasingly blurred. For this reason, we rolled up our sleeves and created these alternatives ourselves. Because we are sure that without sustainable alternatives there can be no long-lasting, sustainable change.

Making the fashion industry more circular

Our current economic system is linear and based on a "take-make-waste" approach, in which valuable resources are taken from nature (take), made into products (make), and ultimately end up in the trash at some point (waste).

Especially in the fashion industry, this linear system has become absurd thanks to fast-fashion and now ultra-fast fashion corporations (with up to 5000 new products per day per corporation).

We all bear the consequences. This is why we need to rethink products - in a circular way.

In a circular world, everything is based on the "take-make-use" approach, where the concept of "waste" is completely eliminated, as all resources and products circulate in endless cycles, where they become a resource for something new again and again.

This is exactly what we want to achieve with LOTTA LUDWIGSON. As a circular start-up, we think entrepreneurship differently from the ground up.

A holistically ecological and socially sustainable product is merely the foundation. We want to go even further: With our own return and resale program, we want to take back our own LOTTA LUDWIGSON products - when customers no longer want to wear them - refurbish them and make them available to a new person again.
Many life cycles and repairs later - and only when the product can no longer be used - it will completely biodegrade and can be returned to the biological cycle of nature.

In addition, we ensure transparent insights into price calculations, product development and manufacturing processes, rely on co-creation with our customers and support initiatives for more equal opportunities and equality per product sold.

Let's make circularity the norm together!

So you're in the right place if ...

  • you don't want to compromise on sustainability and design anymore
  • you finally want to make a holistic sustainable purchase decision instead of having to prioritize for yourself whether you value fair working conditions, ecological materials or waste avoidance more than anything else
  • you want to wear durable and timeless fashion that can be combined in many ways
  • you want your clothes to be produced in the EU under safe and fair working conditions with love and care
  • you value high quality and textile craftsmanship.
  • you rely on natural materials that are in harmony with animals, humans and the environment
  • you are tired of wearing plastic in the form of polyester, polyacrylic or other petroleum-based synthetic materials on your skin
  • you want to stand up for more justice and equality for women
  • you want to support a small label and join us in making the fashion world more circular and sustainable

Why would you support this project?

We want to change the fashion industry by contributing to making it more circular and thus also more sustainable one step at a time.

Our suits are just the beginning and a demonstration that it can work. If we can make a suit - which is considered the most complex and difficult garment to develop in the fashion industry - in a fair, circular and regenerative way, this is also possible for other garments.

We dream of a world where we no longer have to compromise when it comes to sustainability and aesthetics, where we can wear our values, and be part of something much bigger - namely, a functioning ecosystem that is in harmony with nature, people and animals.

In order for us to not only dream, but also act, we need your support.

Unlike established fashion brands and corporations, we cannot financially realize our vision without your support. With your pre-order or donation we can order the fabrics from Germany and Austria and have our suits fairly produced for you in a sustainable and women-owned sewing factory in Poland as a low-volume production.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Each Euro goes to the development and production of our products 100%.

What this means exactly: .
With the starting level of 25.000€ we can only start producing our circular suits in the first place!

Our initial funding goal will cover the cost of developing our circular suits, as well as sourcing materials such as fabrics, buttons, yarns and labels, and the final production of our products in Poland. Additionally, with every product purchased, we support an organization of your choice for more equal rights and justice for women.

What happens if we raise more?

The more funding we get, the more we can implement: more colors, materials, styles, sizes & new products, as well as an official compostability test.

What happens at 35,000€?
Our products are made of high quality and durable natural materials that naturally compost.With 35,000€ we can have a biodegradation test done at a German institute to confirm the decomposition of our products and their ecological safety in the soil under controlled conditions.

What happens at 70,000€?
We want to offer our circular products to everyone. Our goal with LOTTA LUDWIGSON is to design garments to accompany every person, every day-to-day situation & every concept of life. This includes timeless & trend detached styles as well as inclusive sizes, colors & designs.

Who are the people behind the project?

We are Charlotte and Nhu-Ha. Two good friends, former work colleagues from the Berlin startup scene and now co-founders of LOTTA LUDWIGSON. We were both crazy enough to quit our jobs to work full time on LOTTA LUDWIGSON and our vision of a more sustainable fashion industry.

Because we know that something has to change and we want to actively contribute to it by creating sustainable alternatives and having an economic focus on the common good, where money is a means to an end for us and not the other way around.

What unites us is a large portion of idealism, a deep admiration for traditional textile craftsmanship, a sophisticated interest in fashion, art and people, especially the many extraordinary and inspiring women of this world as well as an unshakeable belief that companies - if they act sustainably - can make a valuable contribution to a circular world.

After her double bachelor's degree in economics and cultural studies at the University of Passau, Charlotte completed her master's degree in innovation and entrepreneurship in Copenhagen and Rome. Her focus there was on sustainable and circular innovation and entrepreneurship in the textile industry. In Denmark, she worked on the sustainability team of Global Fashion Agenda, a think tank that focuses on how systemic change in the textile industry towards a circular economy can work. She also stayed true to this topic during her job as a venture architect at a Berlin-based venture builder, coaching sustainable startups as a mentor, promoting more sustainability in entrepreneurship as an SDG Advocate, and also scientifically addressing issues related to circular business model development and material developments in the textile industry. At LOTTA LUDWIGSON, she can contribute her experience in the fields of circular economy, fashion & textile as well as innovation & entrepreneurship.

Nhu-Ha focused on innovation & entrepreneurship early on with her bachelor's and master's degree in industrial engineering with a specialization in electrical energy technology at RWTH Aachen University and took her path into the sustainability and startup scene. She explored the consequences of our consumption not only in her personal life, but also during her time at the greentech startup Everwave, which itself funded the development of a cleanup technology to reduce ocean plastic via a successful crowdfunding campaign on Startnext. In Berlin, she spent 3 years building several startups across different startup phases at a corporate venture builder, where she also found Charlotte. At LOTTA LUDWIGSON she can combine her interests in entrepreneurship and sustainability to make a valuable contribution to a more sustainable textile industry.

Because there is enough bullsh*t bingo and greenwashing out there, we focus on transparent and authentic communication for true social and environmental sustainability. If you feel like experiencing the daily life of founding a sustainable fashion label, follow us on Instagram.

Lotta Ludwigson

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Sustainable consumption

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

Unsere Produkte werden lokal & fair von einer frauengeführten Näherei in Polen mit Liebe hergestellt. Unser zeitloses Design à la Cradle-to-Cradle auf Basis biologisch-abbaubare Naturmaterialien aus Deutschland/Österreich stellt sicher, dass diese nach vielen Nutzungsphasen (dank unseres Return & Resale Programms) nicht zu Textilmüll, sondern wieder zu einer Ressource für die Natur werden. Mit jedem Produkt unterstützen wir Initiativen, die sich für mehr Gleichberechtigung von Frauen einsetzen.

This project also pays toward those goals

Gender equality
Buy less, choose well, make it last. - Vivienne Westwood
This project has passed the Startnext check up.
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The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
Lotta Ludwigson GmbH
Nhu Ha Dao
Oberwallstraße 6
10117 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE353121396

10/20/22 - Dear supporters, You are amazing! Thanks to...

Dear supporters,

You are amazing! Thanks to your great support in pre-orders and generous donations, we have already reached the second funding goal of our crowdfunding campaign. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.
And it goes on .... In the last few days we have been asked by many people if we could extend our campaign for a few more days so that there is enough time to pre-order some Christmas gifts like our vouchers or our organic silk scarves. As the account balance usually looks better at the beginning of the month than at the end, we have decided to let our campaign run into November for you. So until 9th of November you can still pre-order our products and thus cross the first Christmas presents off your list.

Lovely autumn greetings from Berlin

Nhu Ha and Charlotte

10/20/22 - Liebe Unterstützer*innen, Ihr seid der...

Liebe Unterstützer*innen,

Ihr seid der Wahnsinn! Dank eurer großartigen Hilfe über zahlreiche Vorbestellungen und großzügigen Spenden konnten wir bereits das zweite Finanzierungsziel unserer Kampagne erreichen. DANKE DANKE DANKE.
Und es geht noch weiter …. Von vielen Seiten wurden wir in den letzten Tagen gefragt, ob wir unsere Kampagne denn nicht noch um ein paar Tage verlängern könnten, um noch genügend Zeit zu haben, ein paar Weihnachtsgeschenke wie z.B. unsere Gutscheine oder unsere Seidentücher bei uns vorzubestellen. Da der Kontostand zu Beginn des Monats meistens ja etwas besser aussieht als am Ende, haben wir beschlossen, unsere Kampagne für euch noch bis in den November hinein laufen zu lassen. Bis zum 9. November könnt ihr also noch fleißig bei uns vorbestellen und damit schonmal die ersten Weihnachtsgeschenke von der Liste streichen.

Liebe Herbstgrüße aus Berlin
Nhu Ha und Charlotte


LOTTA LUDWIGSON goes Neo.Fashion @ Berlin Fashion Week

Wir wurden von der Neo.Fashion als Newcomer Brand ausgewählt & dürfen unsere Anzüge auf dem Runway und in einem eigenen Showroom auf der Berlin Fashion Week präsentieren.
Showroom: 06.09 - 08.09 ab 13 Uhr
Runway Show: 08.09 um 17 Uhr

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