A outdoor-shower? That’s not new - isn’t it?
That's true, but meinMonsun is not just a “normal outdoor-shower”.
We are globetrotters and always on tour that’s why we were often annoyed by a “normal outdoor-shower”. That's why we started to think about a new and multifunctional gadget to design.
Finally we designed an outdoor-shower which is filled up super-easy with water and very comfortable to use. Moreover it is also a waterproof and very tough shoulder-bag. It’s meinMonsun ( german for my Monsoon).
Whether you wanna go hiking in the Himalaya, go diving at the Maldives or do autostop through Europe - put on meinMonsun and start your adventure!
You are part of our audience, if you love to travel to experience the world. If you are walking or driving off the beaten tracks. And if you like to hike, ride the bike or do canoeing or road trips. But you are also part of our audience if you like to sweat on music festivals and like to refresh ;)
Our goal is it to offer you a multifunctional companion who helps you to store your stuff watersave and to donate you always a great refreshing!
We are three friends who set us a goal:
We wanna satisfy with reasoned outdoor gear who last long and is tough . So we want to contribute to a reduced and awarded consumption.
We wanna be independent of banks and investors to enforce our goals fully.
Everyone who likes our idea: please support us to realize it! ;)
We would like to produce meinMonsun, so that everyone can buy it.
First functional patterns we already have produced. At the moment we are doing the last
precision work in cooperation with our vendors.
The money we wanna use to finance the first production costs and to cover our development costs. For example we need money to design a specific injection-mould.
If our crowdfunding-project is successful, we will send you your own meinMonsun in early 2017 .
Behind the project there are three friends - Jonas, Robin and Christoph. Together we are
meinElement - Multifunctional Outdoor-Gear designed in Germany!
Hallo ihr Lieben,
nach ausgiebigen Verhandlungen mit unseren Zulieferern, konnten wir eine Herabsetzung der Mindestbestellmenge von meinMonsun bewirken.
Konkret bedeutet dies, dass wir meinMonsun schon ab einer Fundingschwelle von 3.000€ umsetzen können!
Daher haben wir eine Fundingschwelle eingeführt. Zusätzlich haben wir die Laufzeit des Projektes verlängert!
In den nächsten Tagen wartet viel Arbeit auf uns, aber wir sind sehr optimistisch unser Ziel zu erreichen! ;)
Beste Grüße!