Crowdfunding since 2010
Hello there, I am Singer/Songwriter Melody Found! I’ve been on tour lately, not as usually as solo artist, but with a whole BAND! In my homeland Schleswig-Holstein we had a wonderful audience at the Prinz Willy in Kiel and we recorded the whole infectious concert. I invite you to join this project so I can send you my „Melody Found + BAND – LIVE-CD“ until Christmas; either as CD into your letter-box or as download on your mp3-player. And as a present you get the first song „Es ist Meer“.
Funding period
11/21/14 - 12/20/14
Until Christmas 2014.
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
1,500 €
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What is this project all about?

A few weeks ago I’ve been on tour, not as usually as solo artist, but with a whole BAND!
In my homeland „Schleswig-Holstein“ we had a wonderful audience at the „Prinz Willy“, in Kiel. The place was crowded, there was a terrific atmosphere and the concert was over in the blink of an eye. But that is no bad news, because we recorded the whole infectious concert, to give everybody the chance to relive it with us.
And because Julian and I are so looking forward to this CD we give you the first song „Es ist Meer“ straight away. You can download it as mp3-file here:
There will be 15 songs on the CD, all written by Melody Found/Gesa Winger, with one exception. The song „Wellenreiten“ is a collaboration with Lars Wienroth and his association Wheelfire e.V.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Until Christmas the LIVE-CD shall be finished. Consisting of 12 German and 3 English songs.
But until I can send it out, either as CD into your letter-box or as download on your mp3-player, there is still a lot of work to do.
Julian is doing the mixdown to create the perfect sound and I design the cover, order the CDs, cases and other thank-you gifts.
All this takes up time and money – which we both love to invest, because we are certain that there are many people out there who will participate in this project.
People who appreciate real, handmade and independent music.
People who love to laugh, to rock and listen to stories.
People who create their own live, have their own opinion and love to support artists like me.
Exactly, I am talking about you! : )

Why would you support this project?

I am operating away from labels and managers, I am my own little „Song-Company“, my own financial adviser as a self-employed musician. People who want real, handmade and independent music in this world can support me with buying my CD.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money is used to purchase the CDs, covers, all other „thank-you gifts“ and to cover the wrapping and postage as well as the payment of Julian Hoffmann and Gesa Winger. Julian is responsible for the recording and the mixdown. Gesa is responsible for the creation of this Startnext-page, including the banner, logos, texts, video as well as the layout of the CD-cover, the postcards, the shipping of the finished products, the writing, playing and singing of the songs on the CD, the planning and execution of the tour, the idea and implementation of this LIVE-CD ... and ... so ... on ...
If we collect more money than needed for the LIVE-CD I want to invest it into a new guitar. My „travel-guitar“ was stolen lately and I want to close this gap. I was playing on a Stafford-Guitar the other day, very nice ...

Who are the people behind the project?

Gesa Winger: lyrics, vocals, acoustic-guitar, layout, video, project management.
Born in Schleswig-Holstein, with seafarer-ancestors from the beautiful island Sylt.
After 8 years in the optical industry she is touring as self employed musician (singer/songwriter) since 2013.
This LIVE-CD is the third Startnext-project from "Melody Found":

Julian Hoffmann: live-recording and mixdown, as well as keyboard, piano and melodica.
Illumination and audio are his passion.
This is the fourth album we work on together, all released under his independent label

Thorsten Bloedhorn: electric guitar

Massimo Maio: electric bass

Christoph Jacksohn: percussion

Lars Wienroth: lyrics of the song „Wellenreiten“

Stephan Suckow und Jürgen Ceynowa: arrangement of the song „Wellenreiten“

Wheelfire e.V.: Lars and Arne are brothers who experience the world out of a wheelchair. Together with the team of their registered association „Wheelfire e.V.“ they discuss the theme „inclusive society“ from various angles, especially with the art of photographs and music. Together we want to sensitize people with and without handicaps for increased mutual sympathy and to send signs of motivation not to underestimate oneself. Boundlessly creative they motivate people to broaden their horizon according to the motto: „You can not stop the waves, but you can ride them!“

Jannes Meier-Spiering: camera

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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12/23/14 - Moin moin und Ahoi, am 23. Dezember sind...

Moin moin und Ahoi,
am 23. Dezember sind alle CDs in die Post gegangen : ) Vielen Dank noch einmal für Eure Hilfe bei diesem Projekt, das ist wirklich ein toller Abschluss des Jahres 2014.
Die CDs können über weiterhin bestellt werden!
Das Musikvideo für „Es ist Meer“ gibt es hier zu sehen:
Und die Doku wie ich an meine Band gekommen bin hier:
Die Reise geht weiter – auf die nächsten 5000 Kilometer!

Melody Found + BAND _ LIVE im Prinz Willy, Kiel
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