Crowdfunding since 2010
Be part of a book! Work can be fun, create wealth and make sense! Today only people who know German can discuss on my Blog "Affenmärchen" (Monkey Tales - free work from master & servant structures) how to get rid of unnecessary hierarchy. On the blog we are creating solutions out of ideas. Worldwide, the blog is visited several thousand times per month. To give all the people abroad the chance to discuss it in their countries we want to translate it into English. I need 5.000 Euros for the En
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Funding period
5/30/12 - 8/29/12
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,000 €
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Around the World in 80 Days

Gebhard Borck
Gebhard Borck3 min Lesezeit

Dear Supporters of the Operation Monkey Business!

So far you did a great job. After 10 days in the financing phase we are close to reach 20% of the money we need. Thanks a lot for your support!
Now the challenge is to keep the Operation Monkey Business moving. As it is a project to spread knowledge about leadership and human business around the world and on Monday there were 80 days left to get 100% or more funded - Franziska had an idea:

What if we would make a virtual journey with the Operation Monkey Business around the world in 80 days?
Doesn't seem to be a big thing in the 21st Century but still it has to be done!

Please all fans and supporters of the Operation Monkey Business follow this 5 steps to make it come true:

1. Think about up to three (or more ;)) contacts you have abroad and write their names down.

2. Get their eMail adresses.

3. Write a mail like this:

Hello ....,
I want to present you a crowdfunding project of which I'm a supporter/ fan. The Operation Monkey Business tries funds 5.000 EUR to translate the German business Blog Affenmaerchen into English. The blog discusses a lot of highly interesting aspects about leadership, management and economy. It's focus is to find ways to have fun at work, while creating wealth and work on something that makes sense.

The project needs support for it's funding journey around the world. I would like it to be translated so that I'm able to discuss it's contents with friends and contacts abroad like you!

It would be great if you become a fan or even a supporter too and spread the Operation Monkey Business into your network(s).

Please leave a message at the wall on the projects webpage ( and send a short message to the funder "Gebhard Borck" ([email protected]) maybe with a picture or so that shows where you are.

He will publish your message/ and or the picture you send him on his german blog ( and on the initiatives webside (

Let's see which places we can reach with the Operation Monkey Business!

Thanks for your support!

4. Send the mail

5. Stay tuned here and on the other channels if your contacts enter and become fans or even supporter.

Please become an active part of the Operation Monkey Business - thanks!

Kind regards



Gebhard Borck
Gebhard Borck1 min Lesezeit
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