Crowdfunding since 2010
Be part of a book! Work can be fun, create wealth and make sense! Today only people who know German can discuss on my Blog "Affenmärchen" (Monkey Tales - free work from master & servant structures) how to get rid of unnecessary hierarchy. On the blog we are creating solutions out of ideas. Worldwide, the blog is visited several thousand times per month. To give all the people abroad the chance to discuss it in their countries we want to translate it into English. I need 5.000 Euros for the En
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Funding period
5/30/12 - 8/29/12
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,000 €
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Get your marketing support for a Monkey Business Evening Event!

Gebhard Borck
Gebhard Borck2 min Lesezeit

Franziska from Madiko ( who is supporting my project in a broad manner calls you for action. In her yesterdays wall post she wrote:

Dear Fans and Supporter,
81 fans, 33 supporter and 21 days left. We reached 64%, which means 3.250 of the needed 5.000 Euro. That is great. Now we enter the next level and get to top speed until the end of the month, so that we can call for the final 36%.

Please consider for instance, to invite 20 friends and colleagues to make an evening workshop in your rooms. This would get you an interesting evening for only 25 Euro each (plus travel cost, if necessary). Of course we would support you concerning public relations.

Thank you very much and best regards,

Thanks for your call Franziska! Join the idea of Franziska: Fund 500 Euros now and earn them back on your special, controverse and tense evening event with the author of Affenmärchen for your network!

The special: Spend the afternoon before the event on a personal coaching/ consulting session with the author - 4free!

To make the deal choose "Support this project 500,00 € I want ... Free Support" in the next 20 days. I will get in contact with you and we fix the details!

We want to think!



Gebhard Borck
Gebhard Borck1 min Lesezeit
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Operation Monkey Business
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