Crowdfunding since 2010
Since we have a lot of things going this year (because of the Black Plague, obviously), we can't land our ship at any port. Not only are we bored, we also can't pillage and plunder and since we are pirates, we have no idea how to get enough gold for our next album. So our new plan is: Steal the gold of your friends, not of your foes! Just get a package, be part of the crew and help us poor pirates out!
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Funding period
7/14/20 - 9/30/20
Spring / Summer 2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

With your money we can cover a part of the album production costs. The rest will be paid by the band.

Freiburg im Breisgau
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70 Supporter

Maximilian Schmidt
Maximilian Schmidt
Fabian Weber
Fabian Weber
Robert Bauer
Robert Bauer
Daniel Priegnitz
Daniel Priegnitz
Alexander Roth
Alexander Roth
Philipp Franke
Philipp Franke
Eike Goldenbaum
Eike Goldenbaum
he M
he M
Martin Schrempp
Martin Schrempp
Jonas Reinmuth
Jonas Reinmuth
Irina Gross
Irina Gross
Michael Gerber
Michael Gerber
anonymous supports: 17
New "The Privateer" Album
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