Back on track: OFFTIME got Press Coverage
We are rolling again thanks to you all. You can read some press articles today in Die Welt, Morgenpost and on Silicon Allee. Also, Sebastian wrote an article on Take a look and feel free to share and spread the articles within your network.
Morgenpost: App sorgt für Freiräume in der übervernetzten Welt
"Im Zeitalter von Smartphones und Tablets sind Menschen rund um die Uhr erreichbar - ob gewollt oder nicht. Ein Start-up hat nun eine App entwickelt, die Nachrichten und Anrufe zeitweilig blockiert."
Silicon Allee: Take back control of your hyper-connected free time with OFFTIME
"... there are many ‘concentration app’ products for maintaining the right mindset for working in today’s communication-saturated world. One Berlin company, however, says that it has come up with the perfect solution."
Medium: Taking some time off - Will become even easier with the app: ( OFFTIME )
"The idea of this app is quite simple: push a button, define the length of the time you want to take off and let the app take care of your stuff, while you enjoy life, so that really important stuff still reaches you and that it’s easier for you to catch up when you’re back!"
Where else should we be?
More articles should follow in the following days. Can you recommend us to any other journalists and bloggers out there? Tell us where you think we should have an article online. And if you get in touch with them yourself, please put Micha in CC ([email protected]) and simply tell them, why you think, that OFFTIME matters.
Tomorrow alex will post more details about the premium version of the app. Promised.
PS: Here are the links to the article. Take a look and feel free to share and spread the articles within your network. It's just a click, but it makes a huge difference!