Our first 24 hours on startnext and how it felt
Today I write the first blog-post on english, as we didn´t have the time yet to translate properly our startnext-decription. And already after the first launch many people from all over the world showed interest over Facebook, Twitter and Co. Hello World, thanks a lot for following our adventure in time as well.
We are very happy that we jumped over the 1.000 Euro bench already yesterday and many people wrote really funny and supportive comments about us and shared our campaign. Alex, Micha, Marc, Andreas, Aimée and me had a very intense day (partly working in the Betahaus and partly writing lot´s of emails from home), but it was very inspiring to see our funding-figures and supporter-base growing while working.
Thanks to Kata from the Betahaus we also made it into the official-Betahaus Blog. Find the article written by Alex here:
(with a beautifully "tuned" foto from our office-space in the Hubraum on the first floor)
We are worried about not getting into the right chanels with our campaign work: Do you have any recommendations of Bloggers or contacts in Media who could be interested in writing about us? The first days in our launch will be crutial.
Thanks in advance for any advice!