Crowdfunding since 2010

a second chance for our food

Nothing is perfect - not our jobs, not our CVs, and not our bodies. Only our food is expected to be as standardised and attractive as possible. Why is that? On.perfekt is stepping up to overturn this common misconception. Our vision is a world where all food produced is being eaten, fair prices are being paid, and responsible choices are being made. We give food the second chance it deserves – by founding the first On.perfekt shop in Luxembourg.
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Funding period
1/18/22 - 2/18/22
six to eight months
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 95,000 €

starting the first on.perfekt shop in Luxembourg, selling elsewise rejected food and creating a hub for information exchange, tackling the issue of food waste.

Social Business
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What is this project all about?

We are making rescued food socially acceptable.

Wonky carrots, oversized courgettes, tiny strawberries: We want to give food a second chance and are starting the first On.perfekt shop in Luxembourg, where otherwise abandoned food is being sold. We are offering our support to local and regional producers by lending our hand during the harvest or paying a financial compensation for the products received.
Furthermore, we rescue sorted-out goods from retail (e.g. products whose best-before date has been reached or exceeded) and re-distribute them through our sales channels. Those are currently still limited to a monthly pop-up market - we need your help to change that.
In the future, we don’t simply want to sell "imperfect" food, but foremost we want to raise awareness about the food waste problematic.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We are turning food rescue into a tangible reality.

On.perfekt has three clear goals: To reduce food waste, to actively support food producers in the distribution of this food, and to educate consumers about the extent of the problem.

Geographically, we are initially keeping to Luxembourg:
We support local fruit and vegetable farmers with the help of our volunteers during the harvest or by buying surplus produce. Furthermore, we take surplus produce from local wholesalers and retailers and re-distribute it through our sales channels.

A permanent physical contact point, i.e., a brick and mortar shop, is particularly important to us in order to properly implement the educational aspects of our raising-awareness work. In this way, everyone who wants to strengthen their relationship with food and take on responsibility for their own consumption, should be able to get answers to the relevant questions in our shop - and of course, be able to question every answer. This is about taking away the unknown of fresh food and eliminating stigma.

Why would you support this project?

A project for all those seeking change in the way we portray food and are dealing with regulations and standards in the industry.

Everyone has to eat – as do you. When grocery shopping, however, a certain amount of the food you buy usually ends up in the bin. Maybe you recognise the pity. But just imagine: Supermarkets are no different. About 5 per cent of their stock ends up in the bin too. Even before the food reaches the retailer, producers have already discarded up to 40% of their harvest, depending on the type of produce.
We can't target your residual waste, but we can save the food that has been sorted out for aesthetic reasons before even receiving a chance to be shopped. Even food sorted out by the supermarket because its best-before date has expired finds a buyer through us. If you would like to have more diversity when shopping for your food, you will benefit from this. Not in terms of diversity of supply - we stay regional and seasonal - but for greater freedom in the criteria and standards of the food on offer: not every apple is the same red, not every courgette the same size.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

Creating value where others assume trash.

If you want a shop, you have to pay rent, if you need labour, you have to pay (fair) salaries. As we are working with fresh food, hygiene and safety standards are not just a theoretical concept for us - saved does not mean spoiled or bad! All in all, this round of financing is needed to ensure that we can cover our fixed costs for the first year of operation and stem the expected growth.

Despite, or perhaps because of, the present Corona pandemic, the project has attracted a lot of public interest. To meet the required growth, we now need financial support to be able to submerge ourselves the implementation and continuation of the project fulltime. We are no longer able to maintain this with voluntary contributions only, as we have been doing in the past.

Who are the people behind the project?

On.perfekt is a cooperative (société coopérative), which means that it is owned and managed by its members.
We have also recently been recognised as a social enterprise. With this, we commit to investing 100% of our profits in the realisation of On.perfekt's ecological and social goals.
Social enterprises, unlike an association (asbl), have the right to trade and generate regular income. They, by definition, combine economic activity with a social or socially relevant purpose.

We are a cooperative of 10 founding members and a total of over 30 volunteers. We are very fortunate to have a team of diverse backgrounds and competences from different fields, such as project management, accounting, sustainability management, social work, legal advice, and logistics.



Majerus-Geimer Constructions sarl

Majerus Geimer Constructions bietet ein breitgefächertes Leistungsspektrum, fokussiert auf nachhaltiges und wertbeständiges Bauen, in den Bereichen Neubau und Renovierung. Nachhaltiges Handwerk aus einer Hand für private und gewerbliche Auftraggeber.

Étude d'avocats - Your Law

Wir sind sehr stolz, Ihnen die Anwaltskanzlei Your Law, unseren ersten Superbacker, vorstellen zu dürfen! Die Kanzlei ist u.a. spezialisiert auf Vermögensplanung, Übertragung von Familienunternehmen, Veräußerung von Vermögenswerten und Firmenvermögen

Besenius ferronnerie d’art sàrl

Unser zweite Superbacker ist Besenius ferronnerie d’art sàrl, ein moderner Schlossereibetrieb aus Mertzig Der heute, in siebter Generation, von Jeff Besenius geführte Familienbetrieb zeichnet sich durch Qualität, Flexibilität und Beständigkeit aus.

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on.perfekt COOP SIS
Julia Gregor
68 beim Schlass
9774 Urspelt Luxemburg
on.perfekt Buttek
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