Donations and crowdfunding for ideas affected by the pandemic
Es ist Sommer 2021, Pandemie hin, Flut her. Ein unerwartetes Szenario folgt auf das nächste und reißt der Kultur- und Kreativbranche den Boden unter den Füßen weg. Betroffene machen eine schwere Zeit durch. Häuser und Veranstaltungsorte sind weggespült oder stehen unter Wasser. Nicht für alle gibt… Show more
You can participate in the Startnext Corona Relief Effort if you, your project or your company have to overcome financial shortages due to the corona virus and its consequences in social life (quarantine, closure, performance bans) and you want to address the crowd for this purpose.
You live in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium and South Tyrol.
You have two options after you click on the "Apply Now" button at the top of this page:
After having received your application, we will send you the information about the admission or rejection for the Startnext Corona Relief Effort by e-mail as soon as possible.
Yes, you can apply to all partner campaigns, provided your project meets the respective eligibility requirements.
You can view other campaigns here:
There are 4 requirements for the collected money to be paid out.
If these requirements are met, it will take a maximum of 21 days after the end of your funding phase for the money to arrive in your account.
If your Startnext project fits the guidelines of our Corona Relief Effort, you are welcome to apply at any time.
It is important for you to know that the 4% Cofunding will only be added to your funding once you have been admitted to the campaign.
Yes, with pleasure.
The Startnext starters and supporters as well as the Startnext team and network are a large creative community.
Together we have the opportunity to be loud and visible. With the aid campaign, Startnext is, in addition to financial support, a lobby, mental safety net and ally for creatives and cultural workers in the German-speaking world.