Crowdfunding since 2010
This crowdfunding will allow us to record, mix and master a brand new album, to put it to press and make great CD and Vinyl release. For you as a supporter you will get the relase (as CD or Vinyl) before everyone else and will be named in the booklet as well.
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Funding period
1/21/14 - 3/3/14
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
4,000 €
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First milestone

Roman Grochol
Roman Grochol2 min Lesezeit

Dear fans and friends,

here is a quick review to keep you all up to date with what is going on with our campaign. Thanks to 39 amazing supporters we were already able to raise one fourth of the targeted fundraiser in the first week already! Truly blissfull!

But we have to keep on spreading this campaing!

Since a while the occupy movement has created the term of the 99%. It all actually happened while we were in Harrisburg recording our second album.
Also in the music industry the gap between the 1% and the 99% is, too, rapidly growing. Music as an industry has created a monopoly of a couple of major players that drastically trimmed creative output and niche music towards a reign of qouta and cheap radio compatibility. All that matters is how well it sells to the mass.
Artistic diversity has lost against dull, ever repeating chartmusic from the scratchbook of hooklines. Nickelback and Avril Lavigne won!

Really? Well, not yet. You, yourself can turn it around. ]Get your own copy of the album instead of downloading it later. We will put you upfront in the cover! :-) And if you cant afford it maybe you wanna mention this campaign in a blog or your twitter feed or on your facebook page.

Thanks for believing in us and supporting this project!


Pandora's Bliss



Roman Grochol
Roman Grochol1 min Lesezeit
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PANDORA'S BLISS need your support for the 3rd album "Amarchord"!
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