Crowdfunding since 2010
This crowdfunding will allow us to record, mix and master a brand new album, to put it to press and make great CD and Vinyl release. For you as a supporter you will get the relase (as CD or Vinyl) before everyone else and will be named in the booklet as well.
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Funding period
1/21/14 - 3/3/14
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
4,000 €
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113 Supporter

Drew Smith
Peter Müller
Peter Müller
Thomas Lackner
Thomas Lackner
Frank Hruschka
Sven Isler
Linda Rogalka
Ricco Löschner
Jonathan Gaige
Tim Offermann
Tim Offermann
Jochen Schmitz
Jochen Schmitz
Francesco Paturzo
Francesco Paturzo
Wolfgang Granser
Wolfgang Granser
anonymous supports: 29

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