Have you always wanted to see Berlin from the water and ride towards the sunset together with nice people? Are you looking for a new mobile platform for your crazy ideas, the next club meeting or your birthday party? How about a floating concert of your favorite band for spectators along the waterfront?
We want to do exactly this and build the “Panther Ray” with your support in late May 2015. The “Panther Ray” is the first raft that actively combines fun on the water, joint engagement, environmental awareness and transparency (open source).
This is how it will be like:
Create a new platform for fun and actions on the river Spree:
The raft will be a retreat on the water from the city - a mobile oasis, where you can soak up fresh sea air or get to know new people. Here you can relax, dance, watch ducks, jump into the water, drink beer...But the “Panther Ray” will also be an unusual place for art and action. We are dreaming of small concerts for spectators along the waterfront, floating theater or political guerilla actions.
Start an open raft community:
The raft is a joint project: Instead of Do-It-Yourself, we want to promote Do-It-Together and invite you to come on board with us. We will have regular public raft trips and inform you about our plans via newsletters and social media. You can also suggest actions or be part of our core group and support us, for example, during the construction.
Keep our Spree clean and make recycling sexy:
The raft is doubly effective against pollution: Using a net attached to the raft’s undercarriage, we will collect trash from Berlin’s waters (which we then dispose properly). We also build the raft entirely of recycled materials, thus showing that garbage can look cool and that fun can be combined with the useful.
Our project is for:
We don’t want to be alone on the water – we want to be with you! If you support our project, you are the first to be invited on our pioneering raft from mid-June 2015. We will return the favor in the best way possible and plan various events. As our supporter you can for example have a drink with us at the raft, participate in our raft yoga or take over and use the raft for your birthday party and realize your own dreams (see perks). Our project is not for profit but seeks to promote art, engagement and creativity by creating a new mobile space. If you already have your own ideas, wishes or questions, do not hesitate to write us an email: [email protected]!
The construction plans for the raft, along with many dreams and ideas, already exist, and we have reserved a berth in central Berlin. Once we reach our first funding threshold of €5,000, we will begin to gather materials and get started. With this amount we can finance the berth and a basic version of the raft with the following core elements:
Basic version (5000 Euros):
To wholly build the raft according to our plans and try out new, more sustainable construction opportunities, we need to reach the funding target of €10,000. Our special version would contain the following additional elements:
Dream version (more than 5000 Euros):
The figures are only indicative. We are very pleased about material donations to reduce our costs and to meet the re-up-cycling thoughts. You can watch over our shoulders as we construct the raft, provide moral support or even lend us a hand (construction will start end of May 2015 – we will keep all supporters up-to-date). The raft will set sail in mid-June, after which time it will be out on the water regularly - and you are invited to come on board!
We are eight Berliners who like to combine fun with the practical. What unites us is our longing for open water, enthusiasm for recycling and the desire to place the Spree river in the center of our lives. We are all around 30 years old. The last few years we've taken to the river with smaller, self-built prototypes. The “Panther Ray” is our common dream that we want to achieve in our spare time. On the mainland, we work for NGOs, in the creative sector or write our PhD theses.
The crew:
And a big thank you to our supporters who provide advice and assistance from the initial idea through to the launch of the crowdfunding campaign and the construction of the raft:
Panther Ray
Der Countdown läuft und wir bohren, schrauben, flexen, schweißen, schleifen, pinseln.... um die Panther Ray endlich zum Leben zu erwecken.
Noch drei Tage könnt ihr uns hier unterstützen, wir brauchen dringend noch weitere Euros für die Fertigstellung.
Desweiteren suchen wir noch: Eine LKW Batterie oder Blei-Gel-Akku (mind. 100 Ah), bunte Farbe für den Außenanstrich, Schiffsdeko, Fender, Klampen, Seile und Notfall-Paddel.
Fundingschwelle erreicht… Fundingziel in weiter Ferne - Wir brauchen dringend weiterhin eure Unterstützung!!
Wie ihr oben sehen könnt, ist unsere Fundingschwelle von 5000 Euro erreicht.
Und nun die schlechte Nachricht: Unsere tatsächlichen Kosten liegen deutlich darüber. Um die Panther Ray so umzusetzen, wie ihr sie im Video seht, benötigen wir dringend die 10.000 Euro Fundingziel. Wir stecken jeden Euro ins Projekt! Bitte unterstützt uns weiterhin!!!