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federal german award ecodesign 2016

"(...) this student work and visionary as well as solution-oriented Work is setting a strong sign. And that is exactly what we want to set with the federal award ecodesing. A strong Performance.''
Dr. Thomas Holzmann

Der digitalHUB Aachen e.V.

The Association "digitalHUB Aachen" is committed digitalisation of the economy and the public sector in the Aachen region. Members are SMEs, industry, startups and institutions that support the goals of the Association.

Bundesverband Meeresmüll e.V.

The BVMM is a Network, that is made up of various parties. Business representative, representative of scientific Community, interest groups as well as private persons come together to develop a Common strategy on how to avoid marine litter.

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Pacific Garbage Screening e.V:
Marcella Hansch
Campus-Boulevard 57
52074 Aachen Deutschland

Amtsgericht Aachen VR 5663
M.Sc. Architektin Marcella Hansch (Vorsitzende)
M.Sc. Verena Krebs (Stellv. Vorsitzende)
Dr. rer. nat. Tilman Floehr (Vorstand)

Pacific Garbage Screening
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