Crowdfunding since 2010

We want to take re-discover coffee: Fair and organic cold brew coffee and tonic water.

Koldbrew coffee and Tonic water, together in one bottle. An unexpected, refreshing friendship we want to bring to life after seeing how many people loved the fizzy combination. We founded Philosoffee because we love coffee and the people who drink it. We work with high quality coffee products and want you to enjoy coffee in a completely new way. Help us bring this project to life by supporting our crowdfunding campaign to produce the first batch of Koldbrew Tonic.
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Funding period
10/16/17 - 11/20/17
Now - 15.1.2018 (shipping)
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 20,000 €

Reaching the required amount means that we will be able to finance the production of our first batch of Koldbrew Tonic - 12,000 neat glass bottles.

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Halbzeit / Half time

Lukas Friedemann
Lukas Friedemann2 min Lesezeit

Liebe Freunde des guten Geschmacks,

hier kommt das neueste Update zu unserer Crowdfunding-Kampagne: Gerade rechtzeitig zum Halbzeitpfiff sind wir auf 80% unseres Ziels gekommen. Das ist echt stark.

Auch außerhalb userer Kampagne ist letzte Woche bei Philosoffee so einiges passiert. Bei Huawei auf der DigitALL Konferenz haben wir einen Vortrag über (Koldbrew) Kaffee im digitalen Zeitalter gehalten. Gestern gab es von uns dann auf der AgTechFoodTech-Konferenz einen kleinen Bericht zur Entwicklung unseres Koldbrew Tonics.

Außerdem sind wir grade mit den letzen Feinabstimmungen unseres Bio-Tonic Waters beschäftigt. Wie ihr ja bereits wisst: gut ist uns nicht gut genug. Es soll richtig genial werden – das ist unser Ziel.

Anfang nächster Woche haben wir noch ein kleines Geheimnis für euch. Stay tuned!

Wir wünschen euch ein erholsames Wochenende,
Das Philosoffee Team


Dear friends and supporters,

As you hopefully transition into a smooth weekend, we wanted to give
you a quick Philosoffee update. In short, the crowd of people that
wants to experience coffee in a different way keeps on growing. We
passed the 80% mark right as we reached our campaign half-time last

We have also been activly spreading our coffee philosophy outside of
the crowdfunding campaign. Last week we had the chance to speak about
coffee innovation at the Huawei DigitALL conference in Berlin. And we
just came back from a day at the AgTech FoodTech Summit at which we
also presented the upcoming launch of Koldbrew Tonic.

Aside from that, we are making the final adjustments to our tonic
water so it’s not going to just be good. We want it to be amazing.
After all, you don’t get to produce your own organically certified
tonic water every day.

And lastly, for next week, we have a little secret for you. We will
need your support in mobilizing as many people as you can in order for
us to win a food competition. But more about that early next week.

Enjoy and relax,
Your Philosoffee team

Legal notice
Philosoffee GmbH
Benjamin Thies
Rohrdamm 88
13629 Berlin Deutschland
Refreshing & Energizing - Koldbrew Tonic
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