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Constantin Hoppenz - Coffee Creative at Bonanza Coffee Roasters

Constantin is a German Brewers Cup Champion (2016) and international finalist.
Together with Constantin, we carefully select the best coffee and roast profile for our cold brew.

Hochschule Geisenheim University

We are working in close collaboration with the HGU, spurring our product research and development. The HGU is one of the leading institutions for viniculture and beverage technology.

Alena Schön - Master of Bartending

Alena holds a Master of Bartending and has ample experience mixing cocktails. Together with Alena we develop some of the finest coffee cocktial recipes including Koldbrew Tonic.

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Philosoffee GmbH
Benjamin Thies
Rohrdamm 88
13629 Berlin Deutschland
Refreshing & Energizing - Koldbrew Tonic
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