Crowdfunding since 2010

Portraits of Resistance - Documentary

Crowdfunding successfully finished
2,803 €

A film about the brave female musicians in Brazil today, fighting with their music for equality and democracy in a dangerous political scenario.

Since a strong political and economical crises destabilized the country in 2014, Brasil has found its way back to nationalism and conservatism. Minorities fear for their lives and women - especially black, indigenous and trans womMehr anzeigen

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Funding period
10.03.20 - 16.06.20
01.07.2020 - 15.08.2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 2,500 €
With the first goal, we would like to finance part of the travel expenses for our team and cover the equipment costs.
Movie / Video
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The project can no longer be supported. The fundraising campaign has already ended.

The all-or-nothing crowdfunding was successfully financed and completed 

  • Rewards can no longer be ordered.
  • The collected amount is/was paid out to the project.
  • The amount of each support will be/was collected at the end of the project.
  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves. You will receive updates in the project blog.
  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the project owner‘s terms and conditions.
  • Withdrawals and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.
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6/15/21 - Dear friends, family and supporters, after a...

Dear friends, family and supporters,

after a long time of wait because of the Corona crises, we are happy and hopeful about the end of this year. We expect to be able to fly to Brazil till then and make our film happen.
A big part of our team is already vaccinated and we hope that Brasil soon also sees better times.

Thank you for your patience and support! Soon we can make this project come to life!

Stay safe,
the film team

4/6/20 - Liebe(r) Unterstützer(in), wir freuen uns sehr...

Liebe(r) Unterstützer(in), wir freuen uns sehr über ihre Unterstützung, trotz der komplizierten Lage. Aufgrund der Corona-Krise müssen auch wir uns anpassen und mit der Produktion anders umgehen als ursprünglich geplant. So wird unsere Startnext-Kampagne bald verlängert werden.Das Projekt hört nicht auf! Wir arbeiten felißig an der Vorproduktion und die Situation in Brasilien wird wegen der Corona-Krise nur schlimmer. Auf Instagram posten wir Artikeln & News @portraitsofresistancefilm

Portraits of Resistance - Documentary
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