Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Alicia Kreutzmann

Deutschland / Radevormwald

Iam walking my path as a Kundalini Yogini, healer and musician... Interweaving earth spirituality and the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Karam Kriya into music and healing.
Serving the Creator and GOD in all-
with a humble and devoted heart I bow down and offer my gifts to the world, learning with every step what it means to be human.
As a traveler of this world and its dimensions, I am committed to bringing the feeling of home as an inner sanctuary into my life- inspiring others to do the same.
Nothing is permanent- only our heart knows that truth and is able to truly sustain us.
Let us become a living cup of prayer for the world....
I am deeply grateful to share these prayers anchored in the tradition of Kundalini Yoga and Sikh Dharma. May these prayers manifest themselves to every listener in the most wonderful way.
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!

LunaSol GbR

Debut album 'Trust' by LunaSol

Wir freuen uns riesig, mit eurer Unterstützung unsere Musik in die Welt zu bringen.
5,612 € (140%)
Debut album \'Trust\' by LunaSol
Carb & One2One


Wir bringen den Funk, der die Geister verbannt!
2,240 € (124%)
Mario Mo Krobot

"Blissful Infinity" Album Release Mo Hari Om

Mantra music that connects one with the inner source of bliss. With your support this european debut studio album is becoming reality.
6,056 € (101%)
"Blissful Infinity" Album Release Mo Hari Om
Erik Manouz

Musicina: Aquario's Debut Album

With your support, I will be able to finance my debut album Musicina!
10,214 € (102%)
Musicina: Aquario\'s Debut Album