Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Andreas-M. Selignow

Deutschland / Berlin

Dies ist mein "berufliches" Profil; ganz Privates gibt es für Menschen, die ich vorher physisch kennengelernt habe und die ihr Facebook-Profil auch nur privat nutzen, unter "Andreas-Martin Selignow".

Subscribed projects
Own projects

GUTEmission - Giving refugees a feeling of home

GUTEmission (e.V.) helps refugees to integrate through their own abilities. Together with you, we want to continue our mission in the future!
4,224 € (132%)
GUTEmission - Giving refugees a feeling of home

Manuyoo. The best Brands. Made in Africa.

Help us to promote and trade new cool brands and exclusive high quality products from African countries in Germany
16,034 € (107%)
Manuyoo. The best Brands. Made in Africa.
Stefie Steden

Teenies – junge Gesichter in Berlin

1,075 € (108%)
Teenies – junge Gesichter in Berlin