Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Annette Hildebrand

Deutschland / München

We didi it! We shot the short film "Woman in the mirror", also thanks to Crowd Funding and a lot of helping hands, and finished production.
Now we are sending the fimm to festivals.

Our amazing team is based in Gerany, USA, Croatia. The film was shot in English.

We are very happ to bringt this film "baby" to the big screens and spread It's beautiful message.

All the best!
Annette (Produktion/Drehbuch)
Instagram: A.J.Hildebrand

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Annette Hildebrand

428 €
Mata Hari Film Team

Woman in the mirror - Kurzfilm über Mata Hari

Ein "Rocky"-Film für Frauen! Eine Frau hat alles verloren, doch sie geht aufs Ganze und wird zum ersten Shootingstar des 20.Jahrhunderts in Paris.
2,005 € (111%)
Woman in the mirror - Kurzfilm über Mata Hari