Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Robert Bittner

Deutschland / Berlin

I am an actor and director living in Berlin.
In the last few years I have been involved in the further development of the Wiesenburg Berlin into a social-cultural venue, organised the first Wiesenburg Festival there and worked in the Tangoloft and Ballsaal Studio as an event manager, organising a wide variety of event formats.
Now I am taking over the Ballsaal Studio with Djamila Rempel and we have set ourselves the goal of developing the "Ballhaus Wedding" into a new cultural venue in the centre of Berlin.
We aim to provide unforgettable days and nights for a wide range of audiences through our diverse programme.

Axel Völcker

Berlin-Wedding – Das Fotobuch

Die besten Fotografen Deutschlands, ein Problembezirk, ein Fotobuch – Die Magazinmacher von DER WEDDING und die Agentur OSTKREUZ zeigen Berlin-Wedding
10,244 € (205%)
Berlin-Wedding – Das Fotobuch
Die "Maybe, Baby!" Mitstreiter

Maybe, Baby!

A tragic comedy…about growing up and the fear of giving up ideals, even though they don’t make you happy.
17,077 € (171%)
Maybe, Baby!
Magdalena Kugler

Schwarze Schafe

780 € (111%)
Schwarze Schafe