Crowdfunding since 2010
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Beatrice Aretz


With two Master of Science degrees in Bioinformatics and Engineering, I have extensive knowledge in the development of medical devices and as an app programmer. After my career at Microsoft, I gained experience in strategic and technical business management as CTO of a data analytics startup. In 2019 I was diagnosed with endometriosis. This turned my life upside down and made me decide to give up my tech career. I want to use science and technology to enable women to better understand their own bodies and avoid hormonal imbalances such as PMS, menstrual and menopausal symptoms.

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Own projects
Beatrice Aretz

Let's make women the experts of their health

with an AI app, an expert community, and hands-on workshops with health experts. So that the world can finally understand how hormones work.
12,033 €
Let\'s make women the experts of their health