The shared dream of my husband Ingo and myself is to publish our first book “Fabuleon - The Fabutastic Quest for the one and only Quill” in print. As a couple, a lot of things happen hand in hand or wing in paw, to use the Fabuleon jargon. We both swing our quills in different ways to make Fabuleon more colourful every day.
I, Claudi (45), am
- responsible for everything concerning language in and around Fabuleon
- a passionate HR person, but due to protracted pain in reorientation (social / educational area, as from 01.05.21)
- a discoverer of writing as medicine to get through difficult times
- a fabulist of two more stories that are just about to be created
- a think tank for Fabuleon II (which is already buzzing around in my head)