Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Lilly Schmidtlein

Deutschland / Kleinsendelbach

Our cosmopolitan Lilly has already traveled to many parts of the world, made international friends and discovered many cultures for herself. After successfully completing her studies in social economics in Nuremberg, she finally decided to follow her own roots. So she moved to Kleinsendelbach to her grandparents' farmhouse. In every phase of her life, Lilly showed pedagogical commitment, whether as a scout leader, tutor or guitar teacher. She would like to use the planned premises on the farm to create a place of learning and to bring agriculture and consumers together.
In addition to her musical talent, Lilly enriches us as an organizational artist. Despite all the diverse challenges, she is the one who always keeps an overview - not least because of her hight.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Hof vErde

Support Hof vErde

Become part of our mission of regenerative, community-based food production!
1,855 €
Support Hof vErde
Gemeinschaftshof vErde

Syntropic agroforestry on Hof vErde

Plant a resilient, self-sufficient paradise with us, which produces high-quality food and provides sustainable solutions.
7,531 € (116%)
Syntropic agroforestry on Hof vErde
Gemeinschaftshof [v:]Erde

Ein Brunnen für Hof [v:]Erde

Unterstütze den Gemeinschaftshof [v:]Erde
6,600 € (105%)
Ein Brunnen für Hof [v:]Erde