Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Dana Reina Téllez

You might come across this campaign because you know me well and are a dear to me, or because we just met or because you've attended my yoga classes, circles or other spaces... Or maybe all of the above.
My name is Dana. I grew up in Colombia and live in Germany for the past seven years. I work in Bremen as an Illustrator, Botanical-therapist, Yoga Teacher and Facilitator of circles and workshops.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Dana Reina Téllez

Sexological Bodywork * De-colon-izing

I wish to collect this knowledge and share the wisdom to generously support others around me through their own sexual empowerment and deeper growth.
5,029 € (101%)
Sexological Bodywork * De-colon-izing

Team member of

Satyam Fundraiser

SATYAM - Peace Center in the Middle East

Welcome to ساتيام | סַטְיָם | Satyam, a center for unity, truth, and peace activism
6,391 €
83 days
SATYAM - Peace Center in the Middle East