Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Jan-Eric Dreßler

Deutschland / Dresden

I have been working as an educator in Dresden daycare centers since 2009.
Between 2015 and 2016, I trained as a specialist for integration and inclusion and as a specialist for elementary pedagogical language support.

In 2013, I founded an association with friends that officially took over a Minecraft project started in 2011 and have since built a community of game-enthusiastic young people.

During my successful studies of nature and environmental education in 2020/2021, I founded the non-profit association "Nistkästen für Dresden" (Nesting Boxes for Dresden) together with other interested educators and parents. Since then, the association has been taking care of the creation, installation and maintenance of nesting boxes in Dresden and promoting nature education for children.

In my private life I am happily married and father of two little boys. I am a sci-fi and fantasy fan, like to play guitar and take every opportunity to be outdoors.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Öko Lausitz

Öko Lausitz - Magazin unter Druck

Gib Grünes Licht: Wir gestalten den #Strukturwandel in der Lausitz positiv und umweltbewusst. Wir setzen Zeichen für die Natur & für Weltoffenheit.
7,915 € (103%)
Öko Lausitz - Magazin unter Druck
René Arnsburg


Eine Aktion von Verlagen gegen rassistisches, antifeministisches und homofeindliches Gedankengut auf der Leipziger Buchmesse.
11,392 € (152%)
Jens Mayfarth

SG Dynamo Dresden Geocoin

2,510 € (132%)
SG Dynamo Dresden Geocoin
Dresdner Sinfoniker

Codex Dresdensis - Konzert zum Ende der Zeit

20,090 € (100%)
Codex Dresdensis - Konzert zum Ende der Zeit
Axel Christian Schullz

Das Menschenrechtslogo als Plätzchen-Ausstechform

1,655 € (118%)
Das Menschenrechtslogo als Plätzchen-Ausstechform