Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card


Österreich / Wien

INFLUENCA is a work of art by BARBIS RUDER DOT COM. She laughs a lot and likes to produce herself. She represents Barbis in online and offline communications. Sometimes she says what Barbis would never dare to speak of. #hehe

Influencer of INFLUENCA
Donaufestival Krems, die Angewandte, Bundeskanzleramt Austria, Samstag Shop, superated, experimonde, k48,, Crowdfunder's HUB, your name could also be here.

Concept, Performance, Music, Video: Barbis Ruder #SuperSocial
Video, Artistic Advice: Ewa Stern #CameraRocker
Dramaturgical Support: Andrea Salzmann #BrainBodyActivator
Costume: Peter Holzinger #FashionMaker
Photo: Helmut Prochart #BestEye
Production: Eva Perner #StarProducer
Set-Design: P. Michael Schultes, Carolin Lotz experimonde #LacquerFilmMasters #PlasticFantastic
Marketing Assistance: n.N. #WillBeFabulous
Other Performers: Mette Kristensen #MissMarketing, Elephant (n.N.) #LookingForAMiracle

Barbis Ruder is a Viennese performance artist.

She was born in Heidelberg (D), and grew up in Erlangen (D), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (D), Kerava (FIN) and Hinterzarten (D). After living, studying and working in Freiburg (D), Helsinki (FIN), and Breda (NL), she went to Vienna (A) to start working as an artist.

Barbis Ruder uses her body and her artificial corporate bodies to mix topics like economy, work, intimacy and convention into complex, but also minimalistic and reduced compositions that take shape in performance, installation, video and sculpture. As fine artist she is both creating work for exhibition spaces as well as for the stage. Her performances are always staged and related to the variety of media and form: from the body to the moving image, sound, sculpture and installation in space.

Her work was awarded with the H13 price for performance of Kunstraum Niederoesterreich (2014), the art price of the archidiozese Freiburg (2015) and the honorary price of the Federal Ministery of Science, Research and Economy (2015). In 2017 she was scholarship holder of the Art Foundation Baden-Württemberg and received the START fellowship in media art. Moreover, she was nominated for hte Kardinal König Kunstpreis.

She lives and works in Vienna.


Subscribed projects
Own projects
Sebastian Meyer, Heti Prack

Solo Piano auf Vinyl

Ich möchte eine Auswahl meiner Klavierstücke auf eine LP Pressen und begleitend ein Notenbuch herausgeben.
2,151 € (143%)
Solo Piano auf Vinyl
Martin Wagner

Das FLUC braucht Deine Hilfe !

Ohne Spenden unserer Freund*nnen,Veranstalter*innen und langjährigen Begleiter*innen werden wir nicht über die Runden kommen.
20,650 €
Das FLUC braucht Deine Hilfe !
USUS kreativ Kollektiv

USUS kreativ Kollektiv - USUS eG

Bring uns durch diese schwere Zeit und unterstütze die USUS Vision, Wien im Bereich Kunst, Kultur und Kulinarik bunter zu machen.
11,901 €
USUS kreativ Kollektiv - USUS eG
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights

[ Atlas of Torture ]

Torture has no place in the world of tomorrow - support us in building a platform to strengthen the fight against torture worldwide!
51,440 € (103%)
[ Atlas of Torture ]
Adnan Popovic

Die normale Show

Ein Zeichentrickfilm - Webserie. Jede Woche, eine neue Folge!
22,450 € (108%)
Die normale Show

BADALA - fun for children and old cardboardboxes

Soon, there will be new sticker designs by BADALA, that transform cardboard boxes into into inexpensive, eco-friendly and pedagogically valuable toys.
9,559 € (101%)
BADALA - fun for children and old cardboardboxes