Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Hanna Winkler

Deutschland / Rodenbach

Starting out as a psychologist in Germany, very soon I discovered the world of mindfulness and Eastern philosophy.

My dedicated ashtanga yoga practice brought me to visit Bali (where now, I am still blessed to live) and opened the doors to all sorts of healing & coaching modalities, the therapeutic water work and music.

Soon I started to share these gifts in order to create healing experiences in the most beautiful way ~ in which my music and singing plays an essential part.

Having sung in my yoga classes in Germany, I expanded to explore in sound healing setting, Kirtans and Cacao Ceremonies. All of this has allowed my voice to cultivate more gentleness, presence and clarity.

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Own projects
Hanna Winkler

Hanna´s debut album

Songs from my heart with a touch of Bali´s magic, pure joy, positivity & self-empowering messages.
913 € (13%)
Hanna´s debut album