Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card
Stephen Stephen

Stephen Stephen

My name Takyi Stephen, born and raise in Ghana Drobo.

I was growing up in a small community where education was really difficult for me and for others who we grow up with in this area or the part of this region.

When i get older it become my dream to support children who are in need of education but i can´t do this alone that is why i need your help to support me build a kindergarten in Drobo.

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Team member of

African Future Kids eV

Hilf einen Kindergarten & Schule in Afrika zu bauen

Wir vom African Future Kids e.V. wollen mit Dir zusammen Kids mehr Bildung ermöglichen, um lokal wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung zu fördern.
9,607 € (107%)
Hilf einen Kindergarten & Schule in Afrika zu bauen