Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights

Deutschland / Berlin

Hi, we are Libereco - Partnership for Human Rights!

We are an independent German-Swiss non-governmental organisation committed to protecting human rights in Belarus and Ukraine.

Since our foundation in 2009, we have been advocating for people who are persecuted because of their political or civil society engagement. We provide information about human rights violations, support victims of war and violence, engage in intercultural human rights education and provide humanitarian aid including psychosocial support.

To achieve our goals, Libereco works closely with like-minded organisations and people on the ground. Together we work across borders to respect, defend and promote human rights.

We are recognised as a non-profit organisation in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights

The Sunrise: (Re)building an educational centre

We are transforming a war-shelled hotel in Chernihiv (Ukraine) into a place of encounter, rehabilitation and trauma recovery.
5,840 € (117%)
The Sunrise: (Re)building an educational centre