Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Simone Lotzmann

Deutschland / Berlin

My name is Simone Lotzmann. Somehow I made a very elegant lateral entry to my career in restaurant Bastard which I’ve been running for the past 7 years. Before that I gave an honest try to several other interesting and challenging professions – but nothing really fit. And to be honest, I’d quit each and every one of them again for my amazing experiences at Bastard. Together with all my colleagues and friends we created this place where creativity and passion can flow and our skills improve every day. In order to preserve that, my team and I need your generous support to make this campaign a success.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Radio Revolten

Radio Revolten. 30 Days of Radio Art

A book about contemporary radio.
7,454 € (124%)
Radio Revolten. 30 Days of Radio Art