Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Maren Bolz


Hi, I am Maren, 25 years old and very passionate about preserving our planet. After studying environmental engineering at RWTH Aachen University, I am currently doing a volunteer work at the Sustainability Demonstration Center in a small rural community in Costa Rica to promote sustainable development. I am very committed to the Tree Saving Project and can't wait to put all our ideas into practice.

Subscribed projects
Own projects
Maren Bolz

The Tree Saving Project - Guacimal Goes Cashew

Reducing ancient tree cutting in rural Costa Rica by creating alternative sources of income!
4,776 € (106%)
The Tree Saving Project - Guacimal Goes Cashew

Team member of

e³ - Erneuerbare Energien Erfahren

Erneuerbare Energien Erfahren - DIY Kleinwindkraft

e³ - ErneuerbareEnergienErfahren - Das ist unser Projekt! Die Theorie des Studiums reicht uns nicht aus, deswegen werden wir handwerklich aktiv.
1,052 € (105%)
Erneuerbare Energien Erfahren - DIY Kleinwindkraft