Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card
Mark Angus

Mark Angus


I have enjoyed a long successful career as a glass artist, and I recognise that young people today face a much more difficult task to establish themselves and have their career. Since 1997 I have engaged with the Summer Academy of Bild-Werk, and here we play an essential role in bringing together glass artists from all over the world. I have also experienced the creative potentials for glass in this region, and despite the decline of glass industry can see the enthusiasm for glass in new directions from a young generation. So when some years back the discussion within Bild-Werk started that we had the competence to offer training specifically to young emerging glass artists I knew that this was actually a responsibility that Bild-Werk had to take on. The second phase of the project where I had the roll as the Tutor confirmed to me that we had created exactly the project that could fulfill our aim.This is an essential task for Bild-Werk, and for the future of Glass Art.


Team member of

Glass Works Team

GLASS WORKS - Creating Glass Lives

From hot glowing mass and fragile glass, European glass makers form young careers. GLASS WORKS creates the space.
1,270 € (100%)
GLASS WORKS - Creating Glass Lives