Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Matthias Becker

I am PhD-student on the Charité Berlin in the Berlin-Brandeburg Center for Regenerative Therapies and my aim is to develop a Patch system to to support the cardiac regeneration of the heart upon cardiac infarction.
Even though there were progresses and successes, I had to face countless failures and setbacks. Unfortunately, still it is mostly seen as a loss of time than chance to correct your way of thinking. Therefore, I decided to become the project manager of that symposium to foster the liberation of discussions about failures and setbacks as well.
Please help us to pave that way.

The Art of Failure organizers

The Art of Failure Symposium

The Art of Failure Symposium addresses young and experienced scientists to share laboratory successes but also setbacks to liberate that silenced part
260 € (26%)
The Art of Failure Symposium