Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card
Johanna Groß

Johanna Groß

Deutschland / Weimar
Die Kafka-Konferenz

The Kafka Conference (Documentary film)

"Believing in progress does not mean believing that any progress has yet been made. That wouldn't be believing." - Franz Kafka
2,073 € (104%)
The Kafka Conference (Documentary film)
Social Catwalk - Fashion for Integration

Social Catwalk - Fashion for Integration

People of different culture design and produce Upcycling Fashion.
630 € (6%)
Social Catwalk - Fashion for Integration
Lydia C. Fleischer

Beam Away - Mit Beamer auf Weltreise

Projektion auf Stock und Stein: Begleite mich virtuell auf eine Street Art-Reise.
1,825 € (41%)
Beam Away - Mit Beamer auf Weltreise
Randfilm e.V.

Save the world's oldest video store!

We want to save the legendary "Film-Shop" in Kassel, Germany. This is where it all started - it's the first video rental shop of the world!
16,827 € (58%)
Save the world\'s oldest video store!
Helen Neuwirth

Butterblume - bio unverpackt Kassel

Lasst uns gemeinsam Nordhessens ersten Laden eröffnen, der bewusst Einwegverpackungen vermeidet
33,195 € (133%)
Butterblume - bio unverpackt Kassel
Sebastian Robra

VR-FILM bollos

Eine Fulldome und 360° VR Film - Roadtrip-Komödie.
2,515 € (101%)
VR-FILM bollos