Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Andreas Zurwehme

Deutschland / Hennigsdorf

My team and I set out to make the world better and cleaner. With the eROCKIT we want to change mobility, to offer a alternative choice of mobility, without sacrifice but with maximum fun driving pleasure. As CEO I come with 30 years of business experience within the industry on several continents.

Key facts:
Born 1961 in Höxter (Westphalia)
Business Manager
I am Managing Director and shareholder at eROCKIT

geboren 1961 in Höxter (Westfalen)
gelernter Industriekaufmann

Branchen: E-Mobility, Automotive, Maschinenbau, Kunststoffverarbeitung, technische Handelswaren, Beratungsprojekte Einkaufsoptimierung, IT-Startups, Interimsmanagement.

Ich bin geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der eROCKIT Systems GmbH.

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