Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card
Samandar Pulodov

Samandar Pulodov

I was born in Kharagh, the provincial center of GBAO to a Pamirian-Tajik family where music was highly appreciated and practiced every day. I began singing at around age twelve. My repertoire included whatever I heard from my family members and the older generation of grand masters of traditional music. I did a bachelor's degree in philology to become a teacher, but never taught philology, though I did as an instructor of cultural studies and humanities, and also worked as an ethnomusicologist in field research on folk music. I am also the musician, composer, singer, and leader of the Silk Road Quintet, as well as a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist of the Badakhshan folk trio from Tajikistan that highlights the mystical practices in music. We all feel inspired to be part of the Tajik festival in Vienna this year. I am also the ED of the PO "Amesha Spenta" and the Director of the international "Roof of the World" festival which is an annual music event in the Pamirs/Tajikistan


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Tajikistan Culture Festival - Team

Tajikistan Culture Festival

Experience the extraordinary culture of the high mountain country in Central Asia live in Vienna!
970 € (101%)
Tajikistan Culture Festival