Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card

Simon Schneckenburger

Born in 1990 in the Black Forest, South Germany. Winner of the German Newcomer Film Award 2017. Currently he is studying Fiction Directing at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Ludwigsburg. The first short film during his studies »Borzaya« screened at festivals all over the world and got shortlisted for the 2022 Student Academy Awards.
His new short film »Everybody leaves in the End« is a co-production with ARTE and SWR and won the German Cinematography Award (Deutscher Kamerapreis 2023). His feature film »Hier leben Luchse« has received script funding from the MFG (Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg).

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Team Skin on Skin

SKIN ON SKIN - Ein Kurzfilm

Ein Kurzfilm über die Liebe zweier Männer in einem deutschen Schlachthof - koproduziert von SWR und arte.
10,959 € (110%)
SKIN ON SKIN - Ein Kurzfilm