Crowdfunding since 2010
Business card
Julia Piechotta

Julia Piechotta


Hi, I'm Julia. Together with Amelie I founded the Startup Spoontainable. We believe in a sustainable world with small steps and changes. That's why we developed our edible spoon, with which we revolutionize the gastronomy.
We got to know each other during our master studies at the University of Hohenheim. During our studies we founded our start-up company. We are the perfect team when it comes to crisis management and pioneering work and we want to show what we can do with our great team in the coming years.

The Hempany

hemi - Deutschlands erste Hanf-Milck

Die Pflanzenmilck aus Bio-Hanfsamen. Healthy statt high! #cheerstothegoodnewtimes
30,593 € (170%)
hemi - Deutschlands erste Hanf-Milck
Lara Schuhwerk

Beneto Foods

High Protein Pasta aus Grillenmehl. Schlemmen ohne Reue dank 40% Protein!
16,018 € (200%)
Beneto Foods
Ann-Sophie Claus & Sinja Stadelmaier

Bio-Tampons von The Female Company

Läuft bei dir? Ab jetzt nur noch mit Bio-Tampons ohne Chemie und Plastik! Lasst uns Produkte, die fast 50% von uns brauchen, gemeinsam verbessern!
40,759 € (204%)
Bio-Tampons von The Female Company