Crowdfunding since 2010

Unser Puzzle Bar ist der erste Mylk-Schoki-Riegel für Kinder (und Erwachsene), der vegan, biologisch, nur mit Datteln gesüßt und voller Superfood ist.

Wer liebt ihn nicht, den Geschmack und den Duft von Kakao? Der von uns kreierte Riegel Puzzle Bar ist eine vegane und nur durch Datteln gesüßte Leckerei, die deinen Gaumen verwöhnt und deine Lust auf Süßes befriedigt und dabei auch satt macht. Ausschließlich aus gesunden Bio-Zutaten liefert er deinen Kindern und dir wertvolle Nährstoffe. Du kannst zwischen Carob oder Kakao wählen, beides ist cremig-lecker.
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Funding period
11/24/22 - 12/23/22
Spätestens Februar 2023
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 6,000 €

Wir wollen die erste größere Produktion unserer ersten zwei Mylk-Schoki-Bio-Riegel finanzieren und neue leckere, gesunde und nachhaltige Snacks entwickeln.

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Primary sustainable development goal

Neuer Super Duper Snack

Thilo Strauss
Thilo Strauss2 min Lesezeit

Over the last 6 Months, we have developed a new flavor for our chocolate portfolio. It was quite a fun journey. Starting from the idea of making a series of our products for adult customers, we decided to start with a vegan matcha bar. Why matcha? Matcha is a great source of antioxidants and has other health benefits as well. We both enjoyed the tea ceremony from east Asia, it brings calm and joy. Plus, we made several customer surveys, and we love matcha products. :)

So, product development started. First, we started with testing all kinds of grades, strengths, and sources of organic matcha powder. This is an art in itself, and we learned so much about matcha quality, earth, and locations of the plantations. At the same time, we decided to go with coconut milk powder as a milk alternative and date powder as a source of sweetness. Utilizing sweet fruit and vegetable without over processing is one of our company's identities. Then, we experimented with different proportions between the main indigents. It is always crucial that the bars are sweetened from dates but don't taste like dates, and the matcha flavor is on the spot with no other ingredient overpowering it...

After the prototype, we still had quite a few test runs to translate the recipe for industrial-scale machines. In industrial-scale devices, many things that work on small scales have to be edited. It sounds minor but has a significant impact on flavor and consistency.

After several months of gathering feedback, we also overworked the packaging design for all our products. They are now better focused on explaining the product from our consumers perspective.

So today we just got our first batch of matcha bars. We are very happy to say that the matcha bars turned out even better than we anticipated! :D

If you are curious about our new product, try this coupon code: TryMatcha10 (10% off orders only for about 48h until midnight on the 29.10.23 @



Thilo Strauss
Thilo Strauss1 min Lesezeit


Thilo Strauss
Thilo Strauss1 min Lesezeit
Legal notice
Super Duper Snack UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Dr. Yubo Zhang
Bildungscampus 1, Forum Gebäude, 1 OG
74078 Heilbronn Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE356216997

12/20/22 - Liebe Community, Wir haben uns dazu...

Liebe Community,

Wir haben uns dazu entschlossen, die Kampagne um einen Tag zu verlängern. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass Ende der Woche das Projekt in den Medien vorgestellt wird. Daher wollen wir den Lesern auch die Möglichkeit geben, unsere Riegel zu probieren.

Wir wünschen euch schöne Feiertage!
Yubo und Thilo

Super Duper Snack - Make Sweet Moments Better for Everyone
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