Crowdfunding since 2010

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Refugio Ambassadors: Wir haben Gutes zu erzählen. Und wollen weiter lernen.
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Funding period
5/7/19 - 6/5/19
September 2019-August 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 10,000 €

Diese Summe ermöglicht es uns vom Refugio, Ambassadors auszusenden: Botschafter*innen unseres Hauses.

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Refugio Ambassadors - English Edition

Christoph Braun
Christoph Braun3 min Lesezeit

We are the Refugio Ambassadors. And we are quite overwhelmed to hear about your huge demand of an english language version to explain our crowdfunding campaign that's running up to June, 5. So here we go!

What is the project about?
40 people live together under the roof of "Refugio" in Neukolln, run by Berlin's City Mission. We come from different parts of the world. Every day in our household, we practice and learn how each individual person can benefit from the strengths of the other.

We also operate a café with volunteers and residents, rent out offices to our friends from Rückenwind, Kreuzbergprojekt, Querstadtein and Give Something Back To Berlin and our beautiful Blue Hall for events. So the Refugio has long since become a center of diversity, in the middle of Berlin.

What are the goals and who is the target audience?

We have noticed how enriching it is to meet new people. That's why we want to send out the Refugio Ambassadors: Some of our roommates will travel and visit similar homes. So we build a network of residential projects and share experiences and knowledge. We will use the experiences of our travels in order to initiate start-ups, to promote research and to inspire many people with the Refugio concept. The target group is actually of us, because everyone can live in the Refugio! That's what it's all about: a life model without restrictions.

Why should someone support this project?
Refugio Ambassadors is an action that can bring a great idea to Europe. We ourselves live in the Refugio and know how good it has been for us, that's why we want to travel, taking this great concept to other places.

It takes time to share our stories and inspire people with passion for our house. It also costs money.... and there you are!
We are hoping that maybe even new homes will be created, inspired by the Refugio Ambassadors.

What happens with the money if financing was successful?
We ambassadors get vital training that allows us to approach this travel project in a targeted and structured way. The training also helps us in other areas of life, such as looking for work. After the training is done this money will also enable us to put the project into action. We need the money for the train journeys to projects within Germany as well as Europe, for instance to Copenhagen or Athens.

Who is behind the project?
Timm films. And lives in the refugio.
Tabea lives and works in the Refugio.
Eyad lives in the Refugio.
Abdullah lives in the Refugio.
Christoph works in the refugio.

And everyone says: The Refugio has changed our lives!

Thank you for your support.
Campaign link:



Christoph Braun
Christoph Braun1 min Lesezeit
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Refugio der Berliner Stadtmission
Christoph Braun
Lenaustr. 3-4
12047 Berlin Deutschland

Vereinssitz: Berlin | VR 24148 B | AG Charlottenburg | Ust-IdNr. DE136623316

Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand:
Pfarrer Joachim Lenz
Tel. (030) 690 33-412

Martin Zwick
Tel. (030) 690 33-422

Refugio Ambassadors
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