Crowdfunding since 2010

Ensemble Vocapella Limburg and Vox Quadrata would like to produce a CD with works for men’s choir and orchestra by German romantic composer Max Reger.

Ensemble Vocapella Limburg produced to CDs in 2016 with the complete works for men’s choir a cappella of Max Reger. With the works for men’s choir and orchestra, Ensemble Vocapella Limburg and the male voices of Vox Quadrata will complete the recording of all compositions for men’s choir of Max Reger.
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Funding period
8/1/23 - 10/12/23
October 2023 – spring 2024
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What is this project all about?

Ensemble Vocapella Limburg produced two CDs in 2016 with the complete works for men’s choir a cappella of Max Reger. There are, however, three compositions for men’s choir and orchestra by Max Reger that have never been recorded on CD completely.

Thus, we would like to fill this gap and record these works on CD in fall 2023, together with the male voices of Vox Quadrata and the renowned orchestra Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz. One of the works is composed for men’s choir, orchestra and mezzo soprano, and we work with Marie-Henriette Reinhold for this recording.

To round up the CD, there will be word first recording of seven lieder by Max Reger for men’s choir and piano, which we have commissioned especially for this recording. The renowned composer and arranger Andreas Tarkmann will create the settings of Reger’s pieces. We will be accompanied by the pianist Andreas Frese.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our goal is the completion of the recording of all works for men’s choir of Max Reger. With the novel arrangements of Reger’s lieder for men’s choir and piano, we will create a connection to the lied compositions of Max Reger.

Our target group are all friends of choral music and men’s choir.

Why would you support this project?

Producing a CD in times of streaming is very demanding, since musicians do not receive as much revenue from such a production as in former times. Thus, we hope that our friends and fans will support us through this crowdfunding campaign.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We will use the funds for the financing of the CD production, which includes the fees for the orchestra and soloists, as well as the costs for recording, cutting and pressing the CD.

Who are the people behind the project?

The German choirs Ensemble Vocapella Limburg e.V. and Vox Quadrata e.V. from Mannheim, represented by their chairmen Matthias Böhnke and Erik Burger.

Ensemble Vocapella Limburg + Vox Quadrata

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Vox Quadrata e.V.
Erik Burger
Winterstraße 39
76137 Karlsruhe Deutschland

9/12/23 - Das Konzert in Ludwigshafen ist durch das...

Das Konzert in Ludwigshafen ist durch das Crowdfunding bisher schon gesichert – dafür ein großes Dankeschön an alle bisherigen Unterstützenden! Um die CD-Aufnahme und -Produktion ebenso sichern zu können, müssen wir aber noch zulegen: Unser Ziel ist es, einen fünfstelligen Betrag zu erreichen. Daher verlängern wir die Finanzierungsphase bis zum 12.10., um noch mehr Unterstützende finden zu können – wir zählen auf Euch!

Max Reger – The Works for Men’s Choir Vol. 3
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