Crowdfunding since 2010

Ukrainian soldiers of an evacuation unit for the first rescue of wounded in Avdiivka need a transporter. Help save lives

After our 4 crowdfundings in May & Nov 22 and March & June 23, we would now like to bring a 5th car to Ukraine. Because it is urgently needed, it is again a car for the first rescue, i.e. evacuation & medical care of wounded soldiers. Ukrainians still have to fiercely defend the freedom of their country and their fellow human beings. There is a great need for rescue vehicles to be deployed close to the front line. Human lives are literally at stake.
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Funding period
12/17/23 - 2/7/24
February 2024
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 3,600 €

Kauf eines Transporters, Anmeldung, Sprit bis zur Ukraine, Rückweg. Kauf von Generatoren für Krankenhäuser.

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Primary sustainable development goal

What is this project all about?

As in June 2023, we would like to expressly support a first rescue unit in this difficult phase, whose sole aim is to save lives.

The war is entering a terrible third winter.
The people of Ukraine are once again having to adjust to living without light, heat and water. Russia is increasing its military spending and showing the world once again that it only knows the language of violence. Meanwhile, Ukrainian defenders are bravely holding out in trenches, hoping, fighting, defending and attacking. Die. Are wounded.

Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters. Every life counts.

The immediate period after being wounded is particularly critical. A quick evacuation from the so-called zero line (place of immediate combat operations) increases the chances of survival immensely.

We also want to load the car with generators for hospitals, medicines for the units and children's clothing for refugees inside Ukraine.

Who gets the car?
It's all about the guys and gals from the 45th Independent Infantry Battalion's evacuation unit.

Here's a short video with a roll call.

The battalion itself unfortunately gained sad notoriety in December 2023 because a video surfaced showing two unarmed Ukrainian soldiers who wanted to surrender being shot by the Russians for no reason.Levyy Bereg weekly wrote about this.We have translated the article into German:Video of execution of two Ukrainian prisoners near Avdiivka by Russians, Ukrainian forces react

How does the car get into Ukraine?
Like the last time, we will buy the car in Germany and hand it over personally in Ukraine. This time we are driving together with Ewgenij, two brothers.

Which model should it be?

This is not a classic ambulance. These are often too heavy to drive to the front lines. Smaller vans such as the VW T5 are best suited for such first rescues.

Diesel and four-wheel drive are a must.

How can I be sure that my money will be used for its intended purpose?

We will document every step:

Donation proceeds, purchases (with invoices), transportation, outreach, etc.

We have now founded an association for our exclusively charitable activities:"Ukraine Helpers". We are recognized by the tax office as a non-profit organization and can also issue donation receipts (for more details about donation receipts see: "What happens to the money in case of successful funding?"). We have also been helping since the early days of the war (with and without crowdfunding) and document our projects on and

However, we have set up new Twitter and Telegram accounts for the association in order to separate the purely humanitarian and charitable activities from the others: and We will post regular updates on the current status and progress of the fundraising campaign there.

What else can I do to help?

Please share this appeal for donations with your friends, acquaintances and colleagues in messengers and social networks.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We want to help the Ukrainian people, with concrete action! We want to save as many lives as possible.

Why would you support this project?

The calculation is simple: the more first response vehicles there are, the more lives are saved. This is because rescue vehicles also come under fire and are destroyed.

Your support helps to protect human destinies and basic rights such as life and health. We want to support the defenders of Ukraine and the values of the Western world.

Perhaps some of you have already donated to Ukraine. Maybe even several times. We and especially the Ukrainians thank you for that!

One reason for all previous and this crowdfunding is always to offer people the opportunity to participate directly in a concrete project with concrete people with their donation. You will see from start to finish what happens with your money and how the donated vehicle is used later.

Everyone can help directly. With all the suffering that this war brings, this idea instills us with confidence and energy.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We will finance and carry out the following ourselves:

  • The purchase of the vehicle
  • Minor expenses for interim registration: short-term license plates, export registration
  • Fuel to the handover location in Ukraine
  • Bus ride back to Germany
  • If there is anything left over, we will use it to buy other needed goods. Especially generators for hospitals. We also receive constantly updated overviews of what is urgently needed on the ground, e.g. technical equipment, medicines and humanitarian aid.

If overnight stays are required, we will pay for these out of our own pocket.

By the way: Your pledged money will only be collected if the project reaches the target amount.

Donation receipts

  • We can only issue a donation receipt for 95% of the amount donated. 5% goes to Startnext (and does not end up with us).
  • Attention: When donating, you can specify an additional amount (can also be 0€) that you would like to donate to Startnext in addition to the 5% that we definitely have to give. Of course, we cannot issue a donation receipt for this amount.
  • We will send the donation receipts to the e-mail addresses you have provided after Startnext has successfully paid out your donation. According to Startnext, a payout can take up to three weeks after completion


Who are the people behind the project?


Hi, my name is Ewgenij and I am 36 years old. I am a lawyer and consultant in a ministry in NRW and live in Düsseldorf.

My older child often asks when we can go to Ukraine. She knows all kinds of songs and places - like grandma's house - from stories. If that makes me so sad, how are the children in Ukraine and those who have fled? Let alone those whose fathers won't be coming back?
Against this background, I consider aid for Ukraine to be existential.


Hi, I'm Konstantin, 38 years old. I have a degree in computer engineering. Professionally, I am co-founder and CTO of a start-up in the IT sector. I live in Düsseldorf and have two children. In my free time, I jog and love going to the mountains.

I was born in Ukraine but have lived in Germany for almost 30 years. The most important thing for me at the moment is to help Ukraine.

We are brothers and drive the car together to Ukraine. We have founded a non-profit association dedicated to helping Ukrainians and we work exclusively on a voluntary basis. We are also working again with KIYV DEFENDERS - a non-profit organization in Ukraine that has existed since 2014 and has already supported the protesters during Euromaidan.

We have now met the guys and girls in person several times in Kyiv and now also in Germany and have carried out several projects together, in particular the last rescue vehicle. Because it went so well, here we go again :)

By the way, Kiyv Defenders are responsible for selecting the unit that will receive the car.


But of course we are not alone."We" - these are ordinary people: Family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues. People who don't look away.

Since the beginning of the war, we have collected donations of well over €70,000 (not including donations in kind) from family, friends, acquaintances and colleagues and through crowdfunding to finance the following, among other things:

  • 4 cars
  • 2 large power generators (+ other smaller ones)
  • 3 DJI Mavic 3 drones
  • 1 DJI Mini drone
  • 2 power banks
  • 1 telescopic sight
  • 2 thermal imaging cameras
  • 2 Starlink kits
  • 2 combat helmets
  • 2 3D printers
  • winter jackets and waterproofs for soldiers
  • complete equipment for a volunteer medic
  • sleeping gear
  • medicines
  • firefighting equipment
  • first aid kits / IFAK's
  • clothing

Further information can be found at,,

Ukraine Helfer n.e.V.

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

"Hauptsache kein Krieg“ ist ein Leitspruch älterer Generationen. Seit Jahrzehnten durfte sich die europäische Gesellschaft in Sicherheit wiegen. Jetzt herrscht Krieg. Die Sehnsucht nach Frieden ist groß.
Wir erfahren schmerzhaft, dass die Wiedererlangung des Friedens Kampf erfordert. Diesen trägt die Ukraine für uns alle aus. Dieses Projekt unterstützt die Ukraine in ihrem Kampf um Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und grundlegende Menschenrechte wie Freiheit, Leben und Gesundheit.

This project also pays toward those goals

Legal notice
Ukraine Helfer n.e.V.
Ewgenij Sokolov
Mühlenkamp 2
40229 Düsseldorf Deutschland

1/30/24 - DE Wie schon erwähnt, scheint ein zweites...

Wie schon erwähnt, scheint ein zweites Auto zum Greifen nahe. Geben wir dem eine Chance :)

As already mentioned, a second car seems to be within reach. Let's give it a chance :)

1/29/24 - DE Wie schon im letzten Post erwähnt, haben...

Wie schon im letzten Post erwähnt, haben wir inzwischen genug, um ein Fahrzeug zu finanzieren. Ob es mit dem zweiten klappt, müssen wir abwarten. Aber der initiale Finanzierungsbedarf ist nun dank euch allen gedeckt.

As mentioned in the last post, we now have enough to finance one vehicle. We'll have to wait and see if the second one works out. But the initial financing requirement is now covered thanks to all of you.

1/16/24 - Wir bedanken uns weiterhin für eure...

Wir bedanken uns weiterhin für eure zahlreichen Spenden. Wir können das Spendenziel noch weiter senken, da weitere großzügige Spenden eingegangen sind. Inzwischen haben wir sogar schon ein Auto gekauft. Dazu bald mehr :)

We would like to continue to thank you for your numerous donations. We are able to lower the donation target even further, as further generous donations have been received. In the meantime, we have even bought a car. More on that soon :)

1/9/24 - DE: Mit Startnext sind wir dem Ziel ein gutes...

DE: Mit Startnext sind wir dem Ziel ein gutes Stück näher gekommen. Euch allen vielen Dank! Durch Spenden von außerhalb können wir das Ziel senken. Am Ziel sind wir aber noch nicht. Wir freuen uns, wenn Ihr die Aktion weiterhin verbreitet & unterstützt.

EN: Startnext has brought us a good deal closer to our goal. Thank you all very much! With donations from outside we can lower the target amount. But we are'n there yet. We would be happy if you continue to spread the word & support the campaign

12/17/23 - Der initiale Ziel von 7000€ war ein Fehler.

Der initiale Ziel von 7000€ war ein Fehler.

Vehicle for Rescue of Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers #2
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