Crowdfunding since 2010
schwelle7 - the meeting point of Berlin’s avant-garde artists, bold body workers and sexual revolutionaries, the ultimate venue for innovative performance art, the mecca of rope bondage aficionados worldwide and the stage of the most sophisticated play parties in the city - is losing its premises in Berlin-Wedding at the end of this year. We are looking for a new home! Now we have an offer to buy a perfect new location in central Berlin and we are trying to get the money together!
Funding period
6/26/15 - 7/31/15
August - September 2015
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
77,777 €
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Bildungschancen! Learn, have fun and do good all at the same time!

Judith Salamander
Judith Salamander2 min Lesezeit

Wenn ihr die nächsten Monate die Vervollkommnung eurer sexuellen, spirituellen und/ oder körperorientierten Bildung weitertreiben wollt, hätten wir auf unserer Crowdfunding-Plattform einige Workshops neu im Angebot -: unter anderem z.B. Tao Love Mix und Genital Chi mit einem der versiertesten Tao-Lehrern in Berlin, Udo Treide, Mindful Sexuality mit Mareen Scholl und Christian Gouttenoire, Authentic Eros mit Ruby May und Kai Ehrhardt oder Klein Technique mit Barbara Mahler aus New York. Auch lehr- und genussreiche Festivals sind dabei, so das Liebeskunstfestival im August oder Stretch, ein Festival für Männer nächstes Jahr an Ostern. Individuelle Session sind buchbar mit London Faerie und BadSerenity.
Wir danken allen Veranstaltern und Dozenten für ihre Großzügigkeit hoffen auf zahlreiche Buchungen – zu eurem und unserem Besten!

If you want to further your sexual, spiritual and/ or body oriented education within the next few months, we have some new workshops on offer on our crowdfunding platform – amongst others there is Tao Love Mix and Genital Chi with Udo Treide, one of the most renowned Tao teachers in Berlin, Mindful Sexuality with Mareen Scholl and Christian Gouttenoire, Authentic Eros with Ruby May and Kai Ehrhardt or Klein Technique with Barbara Mahler from New York. There are also educational and pleasurable festivals like the festival on the Art of Love in August or Stretch, a festival for men, Easter next year. Individual sessions can be booked with London Faerie and BadSerenity. We are grateful to all the organizers and presenters for their generosity and hope for numerous bookings – for your own good and ours!

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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