Crowdfunding since 2010
A Golden Age of Jewish music almost forgotten - the songs captured in 30s' Berlin by Hirsch Lewin on his Semer label. “Semer Reloaded” brought this amazing music back to life with critically acclaimed concerts throughout Europe in 2012-15. Now it is our dream to record this music live in concert so that, 70 years after the Holocaust, the legacy of the Semer label can be passed on to present and future generations.
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Funding period
9/8/15 - 11/1/15
15.10.2015 - 01.07.2016
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
12,000 €
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Piranha Records

Piranha Records & Publishing is an independent Berlin-based company with more than 150 album releases to date, introducing new sounds and artists from the world to the world under the triad of globalisation, tradition & subcultural understanding.

Semer Reloaded - Live Recording Of A Rescued Musical Treasure
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